2017/2018 Steem Silver Round + MENE

A few of the things I like about Steemit is the STEEM Silver Gold community and MENE. What an excellent combination. Raffles, prizes, contests... and real silver and gold.

@GoldMatters does it again!

@goldmatters is running a photo contest for showcasing MENE and the 2018 STEEM silver round.

@goldmatters always encouraging us to promote MENE and for good reason! MENE offers people the opportunity to invest in physical metals in the form of 24K Jewelry. You'll find nothing like this at your local jewelry store.

10K, 14K maybe 18K. Nothing at 24K and nothing like the simplicity of ordering online and having that 'unboxing' experience.

Oh and did I mention a free gold? Sign up and receive a free $5.00 gift card!

I just need another "0" and a "2" and I'll have my Steem round number in MENE Gold!

One is silver and the other's gold.

#0052 in STEEM Silver

I was shocked to discover a #52 Silver Round (2018) arriving at my door, matching my #52 from 2017. How cool to have two of these rounds with the same number! This was an unexpected surprise, something that is fun to photograph!

Has your Steem Silver Round arrived yet? What numbers do you have? Any ideas for the 2019 model? Let me know in the comments below!

All photos original to the author.


Bitsharesir0nshield <----with a "zero" for an "o"

Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of four wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Steemit enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!

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These pictures are awesome @ironshield!! Thank you so much for taking these and kicking things off. You have been a fantastic supporter and I greatly appreciate you. I don’t take your support for granted for one second :) Resteemed

I'm glad you liked them, it was fun to photograph. Someday, I'll have some more gold and platinum to photograph with the 2019 and 2020 rounds. :-) Thanks for all you do and for the resteem! Thanks for introducing me to MENE, it's been a fun investment! @ironshield

The fun has just begun, that I can promise you :)

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Awesome pictures!! Thank you for supporting Steem Silver Round as well as promoting Menē!!

It's a pleasure! @ironshield

Wow these are some awesome pictures man! I'm really loving that #steemsilverround with the Mene boxes in the background :) resteemed, and so cool you got matching numbers!!

Thank you, the silver rounds and MENE boxes make a nice combination. Thanks for the resteem! @ironshield

Σ$$$ Tipped @ironshield Σ1 SMART! Comment @smartbot help to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is $0.070 USD per SMART. Current value of the tip is $0.07 USD. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit https://smartcash.cc.

howdy @ironshield! hey this was a beautiful post, those rounds are amazing. What is the writing all around the edge of tree side?
wise investing it looks to me and a great post!

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