in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)


Today's Coin Shop Visit

Today's Coin Shop Visit yeilded Constitutional Silver in the form of U.S. Quarter Dollars.

Constitutional Silver is 90% Silver coins, also known as Junk Silver.

Four Washington Quarter Dollars

  • Four Washington Quarter Dollars


Four Washington Quarter Dollars - Obverse


Four Washington Quarter Dollars - Reverse


@GoldKey Tip for the Day - Buy Constitutional Silver.



Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

Thanks for your support

Something new to think about... It's a few Posts back, but start thinking about Paper U.S. Trade Dollars and Cents.. They will give people the option of carrying Pocket Change or Paper Dollars and Cents....

Silver coins will ALWAYS be more valuable than clad coins and more than paper.

One on One, the Silver Dollar Coin is more Valuable than a Single Clad Dollar Coin... But... You can buy a Silver Dollar Coin for about 20 Federal Reserve Note Dollars... On the other hand, you can Currently buy 20, One Dollar Coins for the same 20 Dollars... Guess which will have more "Spending Power" after the Possible Reset, I've been Writing about...??? That's the Point that most people over-look... I like Silver as much as the next guy, but I'm talking about "Spending Power"... The 20 One Dollar Coins will have the "Spending Power" of 2,000 Federal Reserve Note Dollars, and the One Silver Dollar will have the "Spending Power" of about 100 Federal Reserve Note Dollars, plus any Silver or Collector Value... As far as the Paper Trade Dollars and Cents are concerned... People are use to carrying Paper Dollars in their Wallets... Now they'll be able to carry Paper Trade Dollars and Cents in their Wallets... U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Cents will be used in Banking, to make all your Checks, Credit and Debit Cards work... Bank Accounts will be Reset to U.S. Crypto-Dollars and Decimal Cents...

I believe that silver/gold/precious metals will always be on top.
Even in your theory, gold is king, silver is king.

As I peek down the rabbit hole . . .
The "RESET" would cause instability and SILVER/GOLD would be KING.
The moment your PC Theory in 'announced', gold will spike and silver will spike. Silver would spike to $24,000/toz. in Federal Reserve Notes. Gold would spike to $2,400,000 in Federal Reserve Notes. This would 'balance' them into your theory with silver at $240/toz. in your new dollars and gold at $24,000/toz. in your new dollars. They would STILL be worth MORE.

If your Theory is Correct, then I’ll be Rich, Rich Rich... As always, I’m a true believer that all things will reach Fair Market Value, after the Reset...

I'm looking forward to being RICH, RICH, RICH

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