2017 Bitcoin Silver Rounds

These are the beautiful 2017 Binary Bitcoin 1 oz Silver rounds.

As you can see, there is no date!? But not to worry, this is the reason they are called "Binary" rounds. The 1 and 0 combinations around the edge add up to 2017 in binary coding!

I was pretty excited when I stumbled upon a seller of these on BitcoinTalk.org and I was even more excited when he was willing to sell me the rest of his stash, which was limited. Apparently these are hot sellers and becoming quite scarce.

There are also different finish options for these coins. The ones pictured above shows the mirror finish, but the really hot looking ones have gold plating to go along with the mirrored silver. I was able to buy 4 mirror silver coins and 3 of the gold plated ones - obviously each containing a premium price tag. But these look well worth it!

The gold plating are simply amazing coins - I think the #steemsilvergold community should consider adding gold plating to the 2018 Steem silver rounds design. Or possibly make a limited amount - the gold just makes the coin "POP".

(Here is a picture from a happy buyer)

Anyways, I was overly exited and just had to show Steemit what new silver/gold pieces I have coming in, should be a week or two before I receive them. When the time is right, I will most likely auction off a couple here on steemit, but ultimately I plan to give some away.
When I fist found these rounds, I instantly thought of the #steemsilvergold community here on Steemit and knew right away that these would be perfect for the members.

Down the road I will host a giveaway contest and provide some Steemit users a chance at owning one of these highly desired and collectible Bitcoin Silver rounds!

It might be a couple weeks yet, but keep an eye out for that posting as I would hate for you to miss out.

  • For those silver fanatics that would basically die if they couldn't have one, I would be willing to work a resell option, but as I am only receiving a very limited supply, I could only sell 1 or 2.

I will make an update posting when these arrive!

~ Keep on - Steemin' on ~



The outer edge says "2017oz" in ASCII text with the binary code of
00110010 00110000 00110001 00110111 01101111 01111010

The next inner band says "Silver" in ASCII text with the binary code of
01010011 01101001 01101100 01110110 01100101 01110010

I had to figure this out because I wanted to see the rest of the message.
(The decimal value 2017 has a Binary value of 011111100001)
The Bitcoin "B" is in the way so I couldn't read the rest.

So, the coin says " 2017oz Silver "

Thats awesome. Thanks for taking the time to figure out the coding.

I should ask the seller what the entire message is supposed to say. Now im curious

I collect silver rounds and haven't seen these yet, those are awesome. I mainly stick to eagle's but would love to have one of these!! Thank's for posting and I will follow so I can be one of the first to know your selling!!

welcome to steemit newcommer!
Its best to follow for the giveaway contest that will happen ;)

These are pretty cool rounds!

Thanks for your post...

Bitcoin is one of the biggest opportunities since the invention of the internet itseif....great times to be around............

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