
Actually, people are doing it now with Dollars... The Dollars that we're currently using, have the same Buying Power that our Pennies once had... If you're paying say, 20 Dollars for an Ounce of Silver now, it's equal to paying only 20 Cents for an Ounce of Silver, back when a Penny had the Buying Power of our Current Dollar... So, in my opinion, 20 Cents "aka" 20 Dollars for an ounce of Silver, tells me that the Price of Silver is being Manipulated "Big Time" right now, and is very under valued... The 20 Dollar Price of Silver right now, (including Premiums) should be a Minimum of 100 Dollars... After the Reset, is should revert back to One Dollar in U.S. Coinage, plus any Premiums involved...

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