
I like to see people of faith being stackers, and all around good citizens!
I am so appalled with he current state of our monetary world, certainly the old Devil has perverted this arena more than most. The Bible warns that "for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil" but people today LOVE DEBT!!! How far has the world turned from proper use of Real Money and towards the abuse of the opposite, which is debt and the slavery therein...

Silver and gold are indeed, God's 'money'. Just look at the directions on how He wanted the tabernacle built when they were wondering the desert. How beautiful that must have been! There are so many references to how to handle money in the Bible; if only folks weren't so blinded by greed, or the need to have new shiny (and I'm not referring to silver or gold here) things. It truly is sad.

My main thrust now is to 'convert' as much wealth as I can to Real Money, and while it does please me to acquire 'new shiny', I am very good about stacking it away into the safe and really just hiding it. That is why it is so 'difficult' to get the pictures, and I see it more as a teaching tool than bragging about "look what I have". I do carefully word things and try to teach a lesson when I show it.
I have carried a Silver Eagle and "Goldy" on occasion, but it's difficult to get people to hand it back if they actually reach for it 😹

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