Sunday Night metal Chat with Dixiesilvergirl

HI everyone this is Dixiesilver Girl! for a while now every Sunday night I post a Sunday night metal Chat on Reddit and have recently started sharing it with other forums. Many of the stackers don't have anyone to discuss their metal plans with and i love seeing what everyone is thinking and sharing in someone meeting a goal they have set. Tonight I stepped it up and thought I would share it here, We have said it before said, we are stackers and we are preppers

this means we stack more than metals silver, gold, platinum, copper and palladium but we also stack for our families immediate survival. We have buckets of staple items, beans, flour, sugar etc. and the main one I feel everyone should have is salt,
There is a reason people say someone is “ worth their weight in salt.” it will be a great barter item if you should need it and at 60 cents a pound it is cheap to stack.

The expression comes from when Romans paid their troops in salt. The word salary comes from the Latin word salarium which comes from the soldiers allowance for salt.

There are over 14,000 used for salt, We need 3.75 grams of salt a day to survive, salt can be used to preserve food and to deice roads.
I purchase the items with our regular groceries and about once a quarter I mylar seal a new batch and rotate the items. We have a 6 month supply for our whole family and a couple extra to trade just in case.

Are you stacking for more than your financial security?

Thanks for reading and Happy Stacking!


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