Why I have Been Stacking Silver ?

Since a few years back I have been collecting Silver. It's one of the most undervalued commodities out there and the industrial uses for Silver is increasing rapidly. While most mined gold is accumulated most silver is being "used up" and thrown away after it served its industrial purpose.


With silver’s unique features of high thermal and electrical conductivity, it Is know as the king in industrial and electrical applications.

Ordinary electronics demand extraordinary amounts of silver! Silver is highly conductive and is used in computers, keyboards, televisions, batteries, cell phones, calculators, cameras, watches, clocks, and microwave ovens. It is also use widely in solar panels, as well as the medical industry.


The price of Silver and gold is as we know very heavily manipulated. But I don't think this manipulation can continue forever. With other big power such as China, creating their own silver and gold market, there will eventually be a divergence from Comex and the manipulation will break.

Further more I think Crypto might become a much bigger threat for governments so the focus on gold and silver might be less over time.

Either way, silver and gold has been money for thousands of years. I see it as a great way to protect your wealth. The important word here is protection as opposed to investment. Stacking is a great way of continuously locking up your wealth over time. Plus it's a lot of
Fun !


These silver bars I bought here in China and I'm quite found of them as they are decent sized and cool to hold in the hand. Most of my stack is back in Sweden and I will be able to see it soon when I
move back in March- I will share more
Pictures then !


Silver is a good buy right now. Spot silver is $16.33. It costs between $17 to $18 per oz to mine silver if including the exploration costs.

Companies have cut back on their operations and when there is a shortage, the price of silver will rise, and then companies will expand their operations. But it takes a few years to get a mine producing so I agree with you. Silver is a good protection for wealth, and IMHO, also a good long-term investment.

You are absolutely right, many mining companies are suffering from these manipulated prices , a shortage could definitely be what make the price shoot to the moon

@dandesign86 I really like these Silver Bars that you show in this posting. It is always interesting to see Bars that are created in other countries around the world.

Thanks ! Yea it's actually kind of cool like you say to have bars with different designs from around the world

You have exellent choice, silver is great for investment

Thank you buddy ! Do you also collect Silver coins or bars ?

These are some of the reasons I love Silver as well.

It's hard not to love hehe

Ok, now it's official. You have a problem with this silver

Haha I have Silver fever lol 😂

those look really nice.

looking forward to see more of your stack.

Will you have trouble traveling with them?

Well now that you mention it I think perhaps. But I still doubt it. It's a relatively small quantity . You're gonna love some of the coins I have in Sweden. I'll give you a sneak preview of one coin. (It was in an early post maybe you saw it before )



Those are beauties!

The motif is of Knut Agathon Wallenberg (19 May 1853 – 1 June 1938). A Swedish banker and politician. The Wallenberg family is famous still today as very successful investors.

The thing that made me buy the coin was the size and the attention to detail; have never seen another coin like it.

How about you do you also collect/stack silver coins ?

Jelousy is growing in me

Maybe we can make some nice trades in the future !

I guess I need to go to europe before

But then...why not? Thailand seems to be very focused on jewlery which is not really my cup of tea

Your Werewolf Defense Abilities have gone up by 4000%!!!


Haha that comment made me crack up ! Indeed I'm warewolf proof now , just need to melt these bars into bullets

Can't go wrong with silver. Most people say to have 10-20% of your investment strategy in precious metals as an alternative asset. I'm using some of this category to invest in crypto but hard to not buy silver when under $16/ oz :):):)

It's hard not to buy hehe . But it's also hard to watch the manipulated price. I hope one day this will stop

I’m a fellow silver stacker and couldn’t agree more. Please check out my blogs. Thanks

Lots of things can be currency...only Gold and Silver have stood the test of time as real money. There is a difference. I love the Chinese bars.

Thanks buddy ! Exactly- silver and gold will always be money

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