After Sprott, The Perth Minth is developping a cryptocurrency backed by gold!
My fellow Steemians,
Just a few days after Rick Rule, President and CEO Sprott U.S. Holdings Inc., announced it would introduce a Gold-backed and convertible cryptocurrency, the Perth Minth of Australia came with the announcement that it is also developping a cryptocurrency backed by physical precious metals.
You can read my post about Sprott here:
You can read the article written by Tara de Landgrafft about the Perth Minth here:
Thank you for reading!
If they actually do it it may crush Sprott's project, unless they come up with a twist
I might, but I don't think so. Sprott has about 160.000 clients. A lot of them asked Sprott to develop such a crypto. I think it will be bad for some gold etfs though.