**A Rare Find**


My family owns a bar and grill not far from where I live at. The manager and staff knows that I collect silver and I told them to be on the look out for any pieces that come in from patrons.

I felt like I hit the jack pot when I saw this and really couldn't believe someone used it to buy a sandwich with. The staff told me that it was a young person that used it and that he also used other change (Kennedy halves, post 65) to pay for the order. Needless to say I was greatful that they called me. I gave them a dollar for the silver dollar and gave the employee that saved it for me some money as well.


This piece has some beautiful toning to it, don't you think? I think it would look better if it was polished up and shiny, so lets have a look at what we'll need to clean this baby up!


A steel wire brush will work well to help remove the 120 years of gunk off of it, especially inbetween the reeded edges.


I will also use a pneumatic air tool with a flap wheel that rotates at 25,000 rpm's. That accompanied with some Flitz polish will bring this to a mirror shine!




Are you ready to see the finished product? How many numismatic collectors have I made cringe so far? Everyone calm down, I didn't clean the coin lol. I thought it would be funny to throw in the steel wire brush pictures and stuff though just for funzies.

If you happen to know anyone that runs a cash register, you may want to see if they will hold on to any rare finds that cross their path.

I hope you guys have a great day! And as always, feel free to follow along with me on this Steemit journey. I have many stories that I am wanting to share with you! @bluelightbandit



Wow! The original patina is gorgeous. ;)

Thought I was gonna have to come south and murder me a yankee !!!!!! LOL

Holy hell Mike, I didn't even know you was on here lol! Congrats on making it over!

That is awesome. My oldest coin in my collection is a liberty nickel from 1898 but not in nearly as good of condition. My parents owned an ice cream shop/convenience store for 4 years. That was my first job, at age 10, working the Til. I got to where I could recognize the sound of silver coins when they hit drawer. I would pick them out. One time we had a kid in his mid teens come in and paid for stuff with like 20 silver dollar coins. We pulled them out of the til in a hurry. Later that day the kids father came around and told us the kid had stolen them from his safe and asked to buy them back. Of course we told him to go fly a kite we would gladly sell them back to him for the market value of silver for face value.

That's cool how you could tell the difference in the sound between the coins.

That's a lucky break. Kudos to the employee that saved the coins for you! I really did think you cleaned the coin for a second, but I kept thinking that those tools seemed excessive. A good joke would have been showing a penny in the end and saying that is what it looked like when all the gunk came off.

I actually thought about getting a silver button to use as an after shot lol, good idea!

Ha ha
The cringing had started. Just kidding. I know that you knew what you were doing.
Great find though. It is amazing to think back in the day at Las Vegas.
They were used the machines and your pay was in silver dollars.
Sadly, that was before I had ever went out there.
Oh well. We can still get some if we are willing to pay the price.
Thank you


I would have loved to have experienced winning real silver dollars out of a slot machine. That would have been so cool!

Thats just too cool man! 😎 Beautiful toner Morgan! 😍 Shit had me rollin for a minute there! 😂

Lol I thought it was funny as hell. I knew at least someone would be getting fired up early lol.

You had me worried for a minute there. Nice find. I love Morgans, especially with authentic toning.

Lol Yes, this coin has some nice toning for sure!

I'm So lucky I didn't read this out loud to my Hubby he would have been calling you all kinds of names loll even MY mouth was hanging open at the wire brush loll

Lol mission accomplished then!

That's pretty nice of them to save that for you!

Yeah, I made sure that they knew how much I appreciated it.

Great pickup brother! I love the constitutional currency. Silver hustlin bandit I guess!!👍🏼🍺🥓

Yeah, that's how I got started in collecting silver as a kid. There's just something about owning a coin that has been in circulation that long. Who knows where it's been or who's hands it's been in.

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