Steemit Goldbugs - Guess the Gold price on Market closing next Friday, Juli 27th / Results of the previous round


Welcome to "Guess the Gold Price"!

As many of you may have seen, the gold price was free falling this week, all the way down to $1213. Then it recovered a little bit during the friday. But its still clearly below the $1250 resistance line, and so not out of the woods yet. Really strange, as all this happens during times of turmoil on international finance and trade, with the ongoing trade war between the US, China and the EU, a weakening Dollar and so on.

So the winner of the previous game for Friday the 20th is again:


who got closest (-1.85) with his guess of $US 1230.00
The actual gold price on Friday evening was: $US 1231.85

Congratulations !!

But now to the new round:

Its all simple and straight forward, and even better: its free!

Here are the rules:

  • Give this post a fair and decent upvote.
  • Make a comment by Wednesday 24:00h GMT, in which you state your estimate of the gold price ($US/oz) on market closing Friday.
  • Make the correct, or nearest to correct, estimate to receive the SBD payout of the post.
  • Dont worry about other people's entries. If more than one person is correct or equally close, the win is shared.
  • Reference for the price is this website:
  • The result and the new game post I will make on Saturday or Sunday.

So let us begin:

What will the gold price be on market close, Friday, 27th of July 2018 ?

I'm hoping for a good participation - the more people take part, the bigger is the "gold pot"! :)
And don't miss the post for the silver version of the game:

And there is also the original german version of this game, and the one for silver, run by @irrer-ivan

gold photo: pixabay free to use


1262 $



You reckon it will go down another 50 bucks?

I’m not sure
Leaving it open to change it Monday if we go up. But if we reverse Friday’s gains monday I do think we are going lower

Dude don’t waste steem on
Just my advice ahd opinion bud.

No I wont. If I hear "get something for free" my alarm bells are ringing already. :)
Thanks man.


1238 $

Congrats to @kryptomat for the win.
My guess for next week is 1257.98$



I got locked outta my account and deletes password which my girlfriend was supposed to print out. Well she can’t find it. She did text me s password that didn’t work and I quickly realized it’s my old account password the one I thought was lost months and months back. I still need to try to get my steem outta it but st least I can get in here and use old account for now! Please follow me guys👍

Auf Anraten von menckensgeist schicke ich dir diese Info.

Hi @beatminster hast du schon von dem Airdrop Byteball gehört, auf Grund deiner Repu kannst du da kostenfrei ca 40 Steemdollar erhalten, wenn du Interesse hast, dann melde dich, dann schicke ich dir die Anleitung dafür. Gruss Helmut

Danke, ich hatte schon hier und da darüber gelesen. Ich weis nicht mehr genau warum, aber es kam mir irgendwie seltsam vor. Immer wenn es was "umsonst" gibt, bin ich vorsichtig. Die Amis haben den Spruch "There is no free lunch", und da ist viel Wahres dran.

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