My experiences selling GOLD sovereigns on Ebay

A few months ago a good friend of mine got in touch after an uncle of hers had passed away. In his will he had left her a collection of Gold Shieldback sovereigns.



Aren't they amazing!

I currently have 3 of them up for sale on Ebay. Please go and have a look - if they are of interest I wish you happy bidding!




My friend who inherited these coins is not a coin person - certainly not a coin collector, but she knew I was and asked me to help her sell them.

I am so glad she did because it would have been very easy for her to take these to any bullion dealer or jeweller and get 98% of spot for them - which would have been a big mistake!

I had a think and as if by magic a "£1 final value sellers fee" offer appeared in my inbox. So we decided that we would put these coins up on Ebay for auction to the general public. I thought they would make about £250 - £285 per coin and after fees and postage it would be a lot more than just selling them for scrap.

Boy was I wrong!

Sovereign Sales.png

Here are the results from 6 of the sovereigns we sold last November. Very good results indeed. My friend needless to say was very very happy indeed to have gotten so much for them. She offered me a "commission" for my time but to be honest just having the coins in my collection (for the short time they are here anyway) was commission enough as they are beautiful!

Selling on Ebay can be a scary thing - but I think it is a very valuable tool to get great prices for gold and silver when the time comes. Here are a few of my tips that can give having done this a few times with these type of coins.

Photos are everything. Take as good a photo as you possibly can. Make them clear and sharp and in the right lighting. Show the coin off in all its glory and from as many angles as possible. Show each part of the coin so that buyers can see without hindrance all of the small marks on a coin. Here are some awesome photos I took of some of these sovereigns:



Timing your auction is key to getting it as much exposure as possible. I always put them as 10 day auctions and I have them to end at around 8pm in the evening on a Thursday. This is because Friday & Saturday night - everyone is out having fun. Sunday night everyone is in bed early after partying too hard over the weekend. But Thursday night, people are fed up with their work week and need retail therapy to cheer them up!

We have had amazing results and it makes me feel very confident that if I was required to sell some of my stack I would be able to do so on Ebay if needed. It is just another avenue to look at.

I leave you with a few more pictures of these awesome coins. Thanks for reading and don't forget to upvote and comment!




Well done! I have an ebay account and PayPal to sell some coins in the future (the ones I bought to flip) but have not tried. This works encouraging.

Thanks for stopping by!

Beautiful coins!! I wish I could bid right now. Unfortunately, it will be at least a month before I'm verdant again. Between buying a 26 inch Mene gold chain and a Junius Maltby 1/4 ounce gold coin, my bonus is gone😣

They are soooo nice!!

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