My First Gold Coin!

in #steemsilvergold6 years ago (edited)


Check this thing out! It's so freaking shiney! Well as some of you may have seen I was in a car accident yesterday that totalled my jeep. When I went to get my mail though I got this awesome surprise. I have been wanting gold forever. I had a feeling for a while now #steemsilvergold would be able to get me some. Well our communty didn't disapoint.


I had asked around the community a little. I wanted to trade steem for gold. Again trying to show my friends and family what I can really do with it. Luckily, again, the big man himself came through! @raybrockman got a hold of me to see if I was still looking. After that it was just a matter of details!

Side note this thing was packed awesome. At least wrapped 3 times.
You can almost see it peaking through now!


Well there it is my very first gold coin! It's a 2016 1/10th Oz 9999 kangaroo! This one I took out of the case almost immediately.


I have been stacking silver for years but I'm glad to finnaly have a piece of gold! Anyone else new to gold?



...slow clap...

Welcome aboard shippie!

Glad it got there. Sorry to hear about the accident, hope everything is alright, you seem to be holding that gold pretty good, so I am going to assume you're gonna make it.

Sweeeeeetttt @armshippie! You gonna be hooked now. Yellow heroin haha

Wow thats badass!
im jelous as hell.
Congrats on the smexy gold.

very nice mate! how much steem did you have to release from the tank? :)

Welcome to club gold. 1/10s are a great size and price point to enter. 9 more you got an oz my friend. Not many ppl have an oz of gold, well most ppl don't own any gold sadly. It is addictive as jbcoin stated, I'm hooked that's for sure 😎

Damn, that is some pretty shiny. No surprise that Ray was involved. Well done!

Very glad to hear you're OK after the wreck. The kangaroo coins are always very nice, welcome to the gold club!

I’m glad you’re doing ok after the accident! Very cool coin.

I don’t have any gold but I’d like to (Maybe if the Steem price continues going up)

Thats a nice one to start with!!!

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