Curiosities about cats that you should know.

in #steemschools2 years ago


Hello friends, it is a pleasure to greet you, I hope you are well, today I am making this publication hoping you like it and receiving your opinion on it.

Cats are unique and extraordinary animals, all of us who live with these animals are witnesses of the amazing things that they can do and that is that their abilities will never cease to amaze us, for this reason they have always caused us great curiosity.
 Cat life
The first year of a cat's life is said to be equal to the first fifteen years of a human being's life, after its second year a cat would have about 25 human years and thereafter each year a cat would have 7 human years of life The average age of a cat is 16 years (multiple of 2)


 Good noses.
A cat's nostrils have 19 million nerve endings while humans have 5 million. Cats' whiskers fulfill an important mission in their lives, they act as sensors and help them orient themselves when they walk in the dark. They also say that it is used to measure the distances between objects, for example, a hole through which you want to enter, therefore you never have to cut them.


They were respected by the Egyptian pharaohs.
In ancient Egypt cats were respected and revered, their work as a mouse hunter in the cereal fields of the Nile was highly valued, their theft or sale could be punished even with death.


 Very relaxed.
Cats can sleep about 16 hours in total, it is said that they spend 70 percent of the day sleeping and 15 percent grooming themselves.


 Brain similarities.
A cat's brain is 90 percent similar to that of a human being, we have more similarities with these animals than with dogs.


 The great leap.
These animals can jump up to 6 times their size and can jump from a height of more than 3 meters thanks to the strong muscles of their hind legs and the flexibility of their spine.


 Cat sweats.
We found that Cats sweat their sweat glands are located in the cleft of the paws, chins and lips.


 Oral expression.
Cats are capable of making over 100 different sounds while dogs can only make 10 sounds.


 Radars in the ears.
The ears of cats are made up of 32 muscles thanks to which they can move them to different sources of sounds.


Hearing sensitivity.
Their hearing capacity is incredible, they are able to hear sounds at 64 kilohertz while humans can only hear 20 kilohertz, therefore their hearing is sharper than that of humans.


 The seven lives.
The record cat with the highest fall was called Andy, he fell from the 16th floor and survived such a fall.


 Question of sight.
Cats cannot see directly under their nose.
 Cat fingers.


Cats have 5 toes on each front paw and only 4 toes on the bottom.
However it is not uncommon for some cats to have extra toes.
 Cat meows.
Meows are not innate in cats, they developed this sound to communicate with humans and almost never use it with each other.
 Fingerprint.
In the case of the cat, it presents the fingerprint on the nose, demonstrating that there are no cats with the same nose, just like the footprint of the index finger of the human being is exclusive, the drawing that can be seen on this nose and its cleft is unique in each cat.


 Alert and danger for cats.
Aspirin is a highly toxic medication for cats, you should never leave it within their reach.


 Cats with purrs at ease
It is not true that cats purr because they are happy or at ease, they can also do it because they are sick, scared or in labor as a way of calming down.


 Cat territory.
Cats are very territorial animals, therefore they are the real owners of the house.


Cats see in color.
For a long time it was believed that they had a monochromatic vision because a recent study shows that if they see color, although in a limited way during the day, they distinguish blue green but not yellow and white, there is no doubt that cats are an excellent company, ideal for give you love, happiness and a lot of curiosity, they are perfect for people who like to rest and quiet moments.


Greetings and God fill you with blessings.

Sources consulted:

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