Steem Silver Round Contest: Nominate Someone AMAZING!

When I think about people who exemplify the Steem blockchain, a whole list of awesome individuals come to mind.

There is so much talent here, so many people who shine bright, or share their vulnerable moments (usually both). It's one of the reasons I enjoy blogging on this platform, because I meet people from around the world who express themselves in different ways, yet all contribute something to the whole of the blockchain.

I could tag dozens of people who deserve recognition. Probably more. But the rules on the Steem Round Giveaway contest post clearly state to only nominate one person.

So, without further ado...



I nominate @TheKittyGirl!

Why? Reasons.

  • She was one of the first to befriend me on Discord and help me figure out WTF I was doing on that platform, which helped me figure out WTF I was doing on Steem.

  • She constantly shows up for PYPT, witness chats, and other events off-chain that help Steem users find community and encouragement.

  • She is part of many communities that have formed around the blockchain.

  • She's fast on the draw with answers to all kinds of questions, earning her the nickname “Kittypedia.” (I think @enginewitty coined that one.)

  • She's fun! I mean, look at those shoes? Smart, sexy, and badass, just like @thekittygirl.

  • Despite being someone who places a high value on privacy, she drove halfway across a state to meet me when I was down in her neck-of-the-woods earlier this year, and I cherish that memory. Here's her post about our time together. She gifted me with a crystal, a rock from a sacred mountain (I love this rock so much!), and a lovely piece of silver. She even brought coloring books and crayons, and fun, light-up balls for my kids! They still talk about her with fondness. What a treat to meet her face-to-face!

  • Her consistency inspires me to keep going. She doesn't post every day, but that's okay. She keeps showing up. That's what counts!

  • If you're at a loss for what to post about, she's got a whole list of ideas. For the life of me I can't find it in a search, but guaranteed she'll whip it out of a hat at a moment's notice.

  • She treats everyone with respect, and has incredible patience for people who are learning something new (or struggling with something they've been trying to learn for a while). When she speaks about her late husband, she says they always accepted each other as they were, without trying to change one another. That kind of respect brings tears to my eyes. It's something to aspire to.

Quite a list, I know. But there's more:

The number one reason I nominate @TheKittyGirl as a model Steemian is because she's an incredible human. Her kindness is what really sticks out for me. It's why I get a warm-fuzzy feeling in my heart when I think about her.

Genuinely caring for people can make all the difference, and @thekittygirl's kindness has picked me up on many days where I was struggling. She isn't the only one who has helped me out—I'm fortunate to have made many friends here who've been there when I need them. I'm grateful for all of them. Each of you. You know who you are! :)

I believe that learning from each other is one of the ways we evolve as humans. @thekittygirl has taught me about Discord, Steem, how to appreciate old barns, and all kinds of fascinating facts about everything from crystals to flowers and silver, but most of all, she helps me remember that kindness is one of the greatest gifts we can share with each other, and that it's possible to be yourself without bending to others, and still be kind.

kitty heels


What about you? Who has made a difference for you on the blockchain? Has anyone inspired you, taught you a thing or two, or been that encouraging voice to keep you going?

Nominate them and enter to win some Steem Silver Rounds! Check out the contest post for rules. Big shout out to @ssgcommunity, @smooth, @soyrosa, @newageinv, and @dfinney for making this happen!

Thanks for reading.

Whatever happens, keep singing your song!

Peace. @katrina-ariel

Katrina Ariel

Author bio: Katrina Ariel is an old-soul rebel, musician, tree-hugging yogini, and mama bear to twins. Author of Yoga for Dragon Riders (non-fiction) and Wild Horse Heart (romance), she's another free-spirit swimming in the ocean of life. Check out her music here:


alliance banner


OMG, thank you so much for the nomination and the wonderful things you said! Coming from someone as mind-blowingly awesome as you, that means a lot to me! Other than that, I am speechless, and in tears... 💖

Hugglepounces! You're most welcome. Thank you for being you. You are loved. 💖💖💖

I totally agree with this nomination

Wow, awesome entry ! Good luck to you, I might try and enter as well if I can find the time!💁❤👍

Hi! Thanks so much for the sweet comment. I'd love to see you do up a post if you can find a time. And maybe you can win some silver. :)

I think she is perfect candidate. I love how you took your time and detailed explained why is it so? Gotta love that. I hope she wins. 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! It was an easy post to write, so many good things came to mind. :)

We are so sorry!

Last night STEEMAUTO had a bug for several hours and we downvoted INSTEAD of upvoted. The bug has been fixed.

I'm going through and removing all downvotes, replacing them with the corresponding upvotes.
Thank you for understanding. ❤️

You sweetheart, of course you're forgiven! Thank you for working so hard to help others. You're amazing and appreciated!

This such a wonderful entry for this contest and I wish you and @thekittygirl good luck you both are very deserving to win :)

Thank you! I could've just as easily nominated you, by the way. ;)

I personally think kittygirl was the better choice and more deserving :)

Heels ya, Miss Kitty is the total shiz! You totally want her in your corner as she is super supportive and as the nickname suggests, full of knowledge and information!

Indeed! She's phenomenal. We luvs her. :)

This is a beautiful entry for a very deserving steemian! Good luck <3 sending many positive vibes.

@thekittygirl, those shoes <3

Thanks so much! She totally deserves it. :)

I Love this so much 🤗 ❤️
Such a Great choice @thekittygirl makes an impact on everyone she meets and her kindness and personality is hard to miss.
Such a beautiful writing and shoutout to a champion stemian and Im Lucky to met you both 🤗🌹
@katrina-ariel you are so amazing and this was so much ❤️

Posted using Partiko Android

Sweet Sass, I very easily could've written this about you! But I saw that @thehive already nominated you. Thank you for always being there and so supportive. You make my life brighter, and bring so many smiles to my face. ❤️

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