SteemQuest : Mystery of the Key (part 1)

in #steemquest6 years ago

After succesfully eliminating the goblins, the party manages to put out the fire’s started by the combat.
After finding a key, covered in runes, in the back of the shrine.

Thunk and Erir... are unable to figure out what the key says. So they decide to grab some kegs of ale and head upstairs looking for food.

Quaid stays behind looking over the key and put together that the words are the same ones the old bar man was chanting.

Zarvagos examines the area where the portal is but doesn’t see any way to access it.

Click on the map for a bigger version

Let’s Play !


a like to jone. my character
Omar the Dwarf from òne Mountain he is not sure, it has snow on the top in the winter.
not the most smart out there but a carry stuff a round like no other.
Strength: 9
Mind: 1
Personality: 1
Attack: 10
Absorption: 1 heart (leather armour)
hearts 6?
Mana 1

Mace x2

Dual wield

my avatar something compact and clumsy. :P


Well lookie here. Is this one of your kin ET? Pull up a seat, new guy buys the next round (winks at ET). You’re up for it, right?Excuse the green goo there. We were just slicin’ up some goblins down in the basement.

Hey, that looks a lot like ET’s old mace. If you want a spare he dropped it over there by the bar.

OOC; Start up rules say you get 2 items, leather and mace. But go grab it quick

good day...goblins u say...a love siting down am garbing a mace on the floor,
oo there it is its feels a bit different but yes its mine...hello am omar.

Welcome Omar. So, you’re buying the next round? If you’re sittin’ I’m assuming you’re buying. I’ll help you out...

I go and grab another keg for the table. To save room I stack them two high.

Thanks mate. I told the barkeep to charge it to yo.

Thunk matey! Yer the best human I've ever met... and I'm 180 years old... without a single grey hair... haha.

a have a tap? in my old tavern the tossed me out, this is good news. beer all round. but goblins in the basement can u play whit them?

Play with them? Yes, we played with them alright! This is ET. I hope you are as good a fighter as he is. He took out just as many as I did, pretty impressive to keep up with ME. We had 3 each. He’s good with those puzzle boxes too. Found us a key that might have something to do with the blue glowy hole that keeps opening up in the basement. That’s where the goblins came squirming out from.

There is a little elf in red runnin’ around somewhere. I didn’t catch her name. Blasted elf was throwin’ Fire around down there. I thought for sure she was gonna light the precious kegs on fire 🔥. She got 1 of the greenies, and started a bit of a fire. No worries though. We put it out. (Laughs hysterically and finishes off another mug. Pours another round)

There is another guy by the name of Quaid that is pretty good with his bow. He skewered 1 himself. He’s pretty smart when it comes to those picture words also.

Just because it's too cliche not to work, Zargavos will try to use the key on the portal, perhaps reciting any rituals he remembers for portals from his time at the academy.

Zargavos takes the key from Quaid and try to open the portal. After many attempts he determines the key doesn’t open the portal, but it actually keeps it closed.

"Well, I suppose given what's on the other side that's probably not the worst thing ever. I would like to know what that place actually is, though."

Quaid: "Zargavos... the barkeep (in effect) used this key to shut the portal. Keys lock things but also unlock them. Which means that someone at the other end of this portal must be unlocking it. I think to permanently shut the portal we need to do it from the other side... We should find out about his help that he lost recently."

OI! BARKEEP! Our humans reckon the key runes were the same as your portal closin' chants. Did ya know that old man? Maybe that ol key can close yer portal forever? What do ya think?

‘I don’t know about a key, but when I do my twice a day prayer the shrine glows and I don’t know why’
‘ no one is watching the bar.... I don’t know if I can stay down here..”

Aye matey! That makes a lot of sense in me noggin'. Let's get upstairs, see what all them other drunks got up to while we were sortin' out yer pest problem, and get stuck into these kegs! Hahaha!

I place one of my kegs behind the bar and the other on our table. Hey barkeep! How ‘bout some food? We’ve worked up an appetite and my thinker doesn’t work if my belly’s growlin’.

I yell downstairs, “Hey you three. Come up here with that key and grab some food. Close the door behind you. The smell of those greenies is ruining my appetite.” know... you kinda remind me of a guy I used to know. He was short and squat like you. Unlike you he had one heck of a long pencil neck. Hehe. I think I’ll call you E.T.

ET ya reckon? Beardy fellow was he? He sounds like a right gem!

Note: our dwarf’s name is Erirnaeg Trollbrow so his initials are E.T. 😂

With the others going upstairs, I follow suit and suggest that if we were to NOT do the twice-daily chant, the portal would open and we could theoretically pass through to find out what's on the other side. After a good meal, of course, and maybe even a good night's sleep.

I rejoin the group today since I can post again, lol censored internet is the worst.
I saw you joined Archdruid, the other two I know are:

And well, I suppose lorelei is pretty drunk by now and she's trying to seduce the barman in order to receive some discounts on the huge amount of beer drunk by the team...

Hey Lorelei. The barkeeper was looking for some help. We...uh..I kinda volunteered you since you seemed to want to hang out in the bar. But then someone told me you were a healer. Maybe that’s why you didn’t come join in the Goblin brawl, you wanted to stay healthy just in case we needed your assistance.

OOC: We didn’t know how long your internet was going to give you troubles. We were gonna have you hang out in the bar where your character was safe from harm. Now that your back...

:D yeah, I didn't expect my provider to allow me to post so soon to be honest, I expected to be at least 1 week out, but things got solved faster than I'd hoped. Back in character:

Yeah, I'm going to nurse all you big boys to health :D, just sit tight at the table and enjoy your ale while I do my stuff!

P.D: Is there anyone that actually requires healing? or since we're back in RPG mode then no one needs to be healed?

No one got hurt.

"It's getting quiet down here and that's when the monsters attack. I'm not staying..." Quaid will head upstairs. I have some questions for the barkeep. I'll pocket those two coppers and hope I remember to give them to Thunk...

"Barkeep! We need to talk. You need to explain everything you know about that portal. Who is your master that gave you instructions to chant at the shrine? What happened to your help? What were they questing for?"

Roll a D20 for a personality check

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