SteemQuest : Journey Home (part 2)

in #steemquest6 years ago

Welcome! to SteemQuest a RPG based board game

[New Players]
SteemQuest is an ongoing and growing RPG world here on Steem. New players are always welcome. Players can come and go as they desire, just let us know when you are leaving (say you are taking an IRL 2 week vacation) we will make sure your character is somewhere safe until you return (or Thunk may just cover you with leaves on the side of the road)

If you are New and want to join just reply to any active post with a character. I will create you a character card and add you

Here are the current rules:

Here is the link to the character cards showing all your bright and shiny stuff:

Here is the link to the monster cards:

Our Story:

The party after finishing negotiating a small agreement with the frogman elders comes upon a battalion of Knights.
As tensions rise over the role of the the Knights. Quaid demands they leave the land.

The knights refuse to leave but agree to a make camp and wait for the party to return.

Here is the new map. What will the party do ? fight ? Or continue through the portal.

No New Rules

let’s Play


Panda quietly wonders what human legs taste like

We could easily fight them we out number them by 3

LET ME AT THEM! LET ME AT THEM! left meg rat em mmm mmm mmm gak, THUNK GET OFF ME.

Thunk- “Cool your temper. We are employed by the same guy. These guys just ain’t got no manners. You don’t kill a guy for bad manners, do ya? Well, I guess it depends on HOW bad their manners are. Let’s get Kermi out of here before things get bloody”.

Thunk notices the knight in the back looking kinda... sickly. “What’s wrong with him? He looks like he could use a bit o’ healin”

ARE YOU KIDDING ME THUNK... I'VE SEEN YOU KILL MEN FOR BAD MANNERS... Haha, remember that merchant who thought you were too big to be a human? Hahaha, you booted him over the moat, hahahaha, he thought you were a golem HahahahahaahaAHAHAAHA.

ET's hysterical wriggling gets him ever so closer to escaping Thunk's golem bum.

“But he was gonna... HE SAID... well... uhhh.. . ”. Thunk starts laughing with ET. But these guys look like they know what they’re doing. They’re KNIGHTS after all. I assume they are well trained.

Let’s not fight them... just yet.

Pandora: "Are you crazy?! Let's not forget that both us and them are working for Lord Darkcloak!"


Happyme speaks in the most authortative voice able: OK, then how about you all escort us to Lord Darkcloak and we all see what he says together? Let me remind you that you are outnumbered, so if you choose not to go with us, we will leave wearing your gear and leave your dead carcasses for the spiders! So move! I'm not sure Thunk will be able to control ET much longer and he's definitely after your hides! GO!

You need to roll

@happyme, you need to roll so we can see their reaction

It seems the dice are off-line. Please use another method to roll for me. Manually or will work.

OOC: 😲. You better roll high or we may be fighting.

@happyme what is your background story. I get most of the others, but I’m never sure what to expect from Happy.

Thunk- Big, strong, dumb, fun-loving soldier.
ET- well... he’s a Dwarf thru & thru
Omar- loyal dwarf ready to follow his kin whatever the task.
Quaid - kinda the brainy type, excellent with a bow. Always there for the team
Pandora - Prissy little wanna-be-tough young woman that thinks she deserves the respect of others simply due to her family. Dream on little girl.
Panda - Very likeable ‘professor’ of languages. He’s good at persuasion but his true nature is not necessarily goody-two-shoes.
Tristenq - man of little word. Personality TBD
Zur - He joined a GANG?! He is going to be a wild card. Looking forward to what he may do.

Don't recall all the details... I mentioned my background when I created my character.

Chatting at the table, I tell a little about myself:
I'm an elf mage fresh out of magic school. I come from a place called Stoney River, at the North-East end of the Faery Forest. I've had kind of a rough life, so I'm not adverse to a bit of a fight. When I heard about these quests that the King needed completed, I figured I could lend a hand and test out some of the skills I've been taught at magic school. So here I am, ready and eager for my first assignment. I'm young and have nothing, so what have I got to lose? The only things I own are the clothes on my back and the this school ring.

@rolld20 to see if it is now working.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 9.

If you fight we move into Questing Rules

Pandora will choose any action that avoids conflict with the knights that are employed by her uncle.

Currently the knights agreed to make camp and wait for word but the rest of the party is antagonizing them


Quaid: "Peace, Omar... there are plenty of things to kill in this world. We can find you something more challenging I am sure." (to the knights) "You wish to wait here while we return from our audience with Lord Darkcloak. Fine. But I would like some sort of assurance that you won't attack the frogmen in our absence. I will accept your word... Swear on your honor as a knight that you will not move towards the frogmen village until we return."

Omar waking 3 squares down to the knights and talking loudly: all of you have the same sword as me.

Thunk says, ‘We could send the two “darkcloak relatives” while we stay here and keep an eye on these guys. Maybe get some of them to go with them. You know, to keep the odds even just in case.

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