SteemQuest : Acid bath ? (Part 1) New Players Welcome !!

in #steemquest6 years ago

Welcome to SteemQuest a RPG board game

[New Players]
SteemQuest is an ongoing and growing RPG world here on Steem. New players are always welcome. Players can come and go as they desire, just let us know when you are leaving (say you are taking an IRL 2 week vacation) we will make sure your character is somewhere safe until you return (or Thunk may just cover you with leaves on the side of the road)

If you are New and want to join just reply to any active post with a character. I will create you a character card and add you in.
Here are the current rules:

Here is the link to the character cards showing all your bright and shiny stuff:

You notice that Zarvagos never came down with you. (As the player dropped I had his character take the key back to the Tavern, he is working with the Old Man monitoring the portal in the cellar, I will play him as an NPC until he returns)

The team is grouped up and trying to finish off the mummy. Happyme found a parchment and after talking with Lorelei it appears to have the same words on it that were engraved in the 1st key you found. However they appear to be in a different order.

We are still in Questing Rules (4 actions per turn)

No New Rules

Ok so a little house keeping. Thanks for all the feedback it is very useful.

Onto Character Cards. They will show the players Max health for now on not their current health.
They will show current XP and current items on hand.

As you may have noticed you can only carry six items. Not an issue yet, 😀 but you soon may have to make some decisions.

I created a cheat sheet for the base items showing attribute requirements. So for example it shows a short bow so all short bows will follow this so an Eleven short bow is still a short bow. (let me know if this makes sense)
I will be expanding the base items. I will keep a copy of this in the character cards folder.

As far as monitoring the parties health (for you healers) I have a new cheat sheet created that will also be in the character cards folder. All of this had to do with the way the cards are actually built. I hope this will make it easier for you and me 😀

Anyone who recruits a new player will get 3 Steem !!

current hearts.jpeg

basic items.jpeg


LOOK OUT! There are 2 more coming from the other side!
(Just checked my position and it seems I ran 10 spaces when 7 is the most one can run with 4 actions.) I should be behind Quaid. That allows me to see the other 2 mummies coming after us. It also puts me in range to unleash a fireball at the first mummy). I cast a fireball @rolld20.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 12.

I miss, so @rollthedice to see where it lands.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

my fireball goes 1 square to the right (from my character's perspective or on my screen? And how does it work when my fireball is contained by walls? Either way, I would expect the 2X2 area would still hit the closest mummy and inflict 1.5 damage to it.) I can use some help over here guys!

It will expand to fill up a 2x2 square volume. So if you shoot it down a 1x1 hallway it will expand down the hallway for 4 squares.
I will add this to the rules.
Nice find !

No you went 7 spaces. This is standard map movement you can move diagonally.
But I will define it better in the rules thanks for letting me know it was not clear

I was next to the foot of the cocoon, so even moving diagonally, shouldn't I end up just in front of Quaid then? (One space back from where I'm shown?)

That would mean I needed to move BEFORE shooting my fireball, so I am now OUT OF ACTIONS for a 2nd fireball.

Can we have stats for our monsters readily available? I forgot how much they can take.

If you want to be in a space to shoot a 2nd fireball that is fine.
Here is the mummy
undead mummy.jpeg

For some reason I thought they had absorption, so just 4 life (hearts). After my fireball, 2.5 life left. Not certain what other damage was done after mine, but it must be close to death by now I think.

Thanks, but I'll just continue to play from here as it is.

Quaid it hit twice after you hit it.
So it has lost 1.5 ❤️ And it’s absorption is down until next turn.

Absorption? Where is its absorption on the card? Sorry for all the noob questions. Is the shield the absorption? So it has 2 plus 4 = 6 damage it can take?

Hmmmm... let me look at it.

Thank-you, and I apologize for giving you all that extra work to do. The better I understand what is going on, the better I can make my moves in the future without causing so much trouble.

Omar ruining to back to where he sounds is coming form. all actions

Quaid shoots at the fire-damaged mummy. @rolld20

2 hits, 2 misses. By my count the mummy takes 1.5 hearts of damage.

OOC: I like how you summarize your turn at the end. It makes it so much easier to follow the game play. I bet it makes it easier on Simplegame when he is adding up ♥️S and experience for all characters and monsters. I think that this would be a good idea for all of us. @simplegame- any comments or formats that will help you out?

That is correct.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 9.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 18.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

Thunk watches the scene in wide eyed horror. Thunk grabs ET and tosses him back toward the healer. (I assume that is 1 action??).

“I’m gonna unwrap your @#*!#@...”. Thunk steps forward and swings @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

It now has 1/2 ❤️ Remaining. On the back swing @rollthedice

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Thunk... Thunks the mummy to death... again ? Since it was dead ?

Wait you used the wrong dice. Do over !!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

And now the backswing @rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

I hear more moanin’, but I don’t see ‘em.

The mummy raises its fist and slams it down at E.T.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 13.

It has a hard time hitting the dwarf but tries again

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 19.

It roars and raises both fists

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 3.

It smashes E.T. Back into the wall. His armor absorbs some of the blow but he loses 1 1/2 ❤️ (3 ❤️ left)
It attacks again

Aye! Thanks Thunk me mate! Hmm, sounds of moaning behind us... back we go!

ET runs with all his movement back towards the new mummies.

Lorelei moves 3 square back out of the hallway and shoot an arrow at the injured Mummy

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 6.

Another 1/2 ❤️ Damage the mummy is down to 2 ❤️‘S

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