
When you are webbed you cannot cut yourself free. Your arms are immobilized and you cannot reach a weapon or use it.
1- An ally near you can cut you free.
2- You CAN use any mind attack you might have. If you cast fire on the web you will hurt yourself too.
3- you can do a strength check against the webs target strength (this web is 10)

Web -if a player is hit with web they can not move until they break free. They can break free from the web by rolling 1D20+strength, they must beat the web’s target number. The web can also be cut or burned. If a creature is in the web when it is burned they are also burned. A player hit with a web is considered immobile

New status effect - Immobile: a creature that is immobile can not move or attack with weapons but may use any skill using the mind trait.

Also Quick shot requires 1 mana.

Oh! Crap, I misread, thought it only cost an action...

Ignore those rolls I guess, since I already spent all my mana on an empowered missile. :(

Thanks! I guess I made some mistakes in this turn :S

It’s OK, Your only Elven after all. We Dwarves...

I think that means I succeed?? Please somebody with more knowhow, confirm?

Can we fire arrows in melee?
If so, Pandora uses her quick shot ability to quickly shoot two arrows at the spider heading towards her just as she cuts the both of them free from the webs.

first quickshot:

If it turns out I can't shoot arrows in melee combat, ignore these rolls - I might run instead

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

with my new attack rating from the level-up, this should be a hit for 1❤️

second quickshot:

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Another hit for another 1❤️

Another set of quickshots

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 14.

Another hit, another 1❤️ of damage making a total of 3❤️

for the second shot

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

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