STEEMPUNKNET - Suggestions and improvements for longevity

in #steempunknet7 years ago (edited)


I'm loving STEEMPUNKNET a lot and if you don't know about it, go check it out here. It's a fun Steemit-based browser game which you run on top of Steemit and which lets you gain experience, find loot and duel other players. The game is in open beta and anyone can join, but it is still fully in development.

In this post I would like to write down some of my suggestions which I think could really improve the game and give it a long playtime and keep it interesting in the long run.

The ideal & variety

The ideal situation would be one where unique items can exist, be created and/or found. CryptoKitties on Ethereum does this by creating unique cats. Unfortunately, this is a special feature of the ERC223 token and I do not believe that the Steemit SMT's have this feature.

However I still believe it is possible to generate almost unique items, although they may be more difficult to trade (not on public market places as SMTs anyway). Just like how currently STEEMPUNKNET stores the experience and stats, it could very well store the stats of the items that you carry with you.

Even with a few variables a lot of combinations can be made in terms of abilities of course. But you can also use this method to create more or less unique graphics. It's not that hard: Just split up the graphics into pieces and randomly assemble them together.

For example, one could create 5 types of sword-handles, 5 types of different blades and 5 types of hand-guards. Then add some kind of color-layer on top with 10 different random colors, to make for a total of 1250 different type of swords. And that is just the graphics of course.. the stats could have their own variety. Somebody might find a Scary Pink Shortsword of Vanquishing +5 and it would be really difficult to try and find an exact replica of that.

Especially when this system is used for all kinds of weapons, one could quickly end up with a large range of possibilities that can emerge.

For storing it on the blockchain, all that would be required is to store a string of variables on a player's profile, which tells the game what item graphics and stats apply.

I think this is possibly the next best solution, other than having truly unique items.

If you want an example, the game Neverwinter Nights used a system like this to create a large variety of weapons:


Notice how the same handles, blades, etc. re-appear and how one alteration can create a completely different look.

It does require all the graphics to be created with this in mind, however.


@Ravenruis just made a great post on pets which I fully support. I would like to add to this that I think some basic features would enable pets to stay relevant:

  • Sustenance/feeding of the pet, or else it does not add any bonuses. This creates an economy of some type
  • A large variety of possible bonuses - force people to choose between one pet or another to create diversity in player abilities. This, as well as a variety in weapons, create more diversity between players
  • A large variety of pets, some serious and boring but others wild and imaginative. The crazier the better, generally. People like customization and diversity and finding something weird

Other 'moneysinks'

Finding loot is great, but not if it's not useful! How about these things to spend our loot on:

  • A steampunk alchemical device to create potions
  • A garden or potted plant that requires water, but gives harvest
  • A 'home pet'. Other than a pet that joins you in combat, this would be more like a fish bowl or bird cage. Maybe it generates resources somehow?
  • A crafting station - Let players disassemble and re-assemble items and weapons (basically re-rolling the item) after spending some loot on it and a base item to sacrifice/upgrade

A /duelbot

I think it would be great if there was a /duelbot like there are tippingbots also. Instead of issueing a normal challenge through STEEMPUNKNET, one could write in somebody's comments section:

"/duel @pandorasbox"

And as a result it would perform an attack action as normal. The difference being that after this attack is resolved, the /duelbot shows up in the comments to paste the combat log and results of the fight.
This would be a way for somebody to publicly challenge another, and all could see the results in the post comments. Maybe there is a humiliating defeat? Or a crushing victory? It will be clear for all to see. Also, this is a great way to market the game as people seeing the results will surely wonder what this steempunks thing is.

It could also be used for small RPG games where the DM running it tells one player to fight the other and let the game mechanics deal with the combat itself.

Large random story generator for battles

I would suggest to split each duel up into three phases and let each player perform three attacks/defenses. This creates a lot of variables, which can then be used to pull random sentences from a database to create an exciting and thrilling story that tells what happened in the fight. Instead of being completely random, it will choose appropriate stories based on the outcome of the battle.

It would of course also be amazing if inside the generated story, you would read things about the weapons you are using and carrying.

I think something like this is currently in place already, but I think it could be expanded greatly. The stories generated could very well be the main attraction of Steempunksnet, especially with the /duelbot addition where these exciting (and strange, probably!) battles get posted publicly for all to see in an exciting format (perhaps a cool graphic addition, even).

Players could create 'Fight Arena' posts, where the intention is to duel eachother in the comments. Perhaps even attach a prize pool and champions list.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

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⚙️Level 6 Steempunk Adventurer ⚙️
Come battle me through @STEEMPUNKNET!


This is good. I would include a thorough beginners guide that is easy to find because i cannot understand how to battle or play

That's an excellent tip! maybe some hover-over tooltips !

Great ideas, having many possibilities and lots of variety is what keeps people engaged in an MMORPG

Thanks, yes, I agree.. it makes them alwys on the lookout for that one item that's still a little bit better than what they have!

I very much like the idea of modular design to make things easier to create new things. So much could be done with a few bits. At the same time, I'd like to have an inventory page before we have 20+ different types of gun and etc etc.

Thanks for your reply!
Oh, yes, definitely one step at a time. But some decisions need to be made in early stages, or else it involves backtracking. So If the devs want to use a modular design, it would be a shame if an artist had already made a ton of graphics that became unusable.

I also think the variety could be very low at first, and be expanded once the core game is there (maybe add a few new things each update to keep things fresh and new).

Indeed. If items are made of some components, but you only have 2 of each bit, giving 4 items, just adding 1 more option for each bit adds another 5 items, and then another item would add another 7. And that's just with a 2 component thing like a gun (barrel, handle)

Very certain that we need to be one step at a time, but good design also means not having to rework it later when a foreseeable problem (too many graphics increasing the workload) becomes an actual problem

Yep, but that's why color overlays are awesome. Even with 5x5x5 graphics, that's only 15 small jpgs total, but with a color overlay you still get an insane amount of graphics while not using much space. It is how they used to do things in the old days when resources were limited too

woah, you attacked me

/use tesla-bomb

Of course, I need to hone my skills so I can get into the top 10!
Nobody is safe from me! >:)

Looking forward to reading this; I don't have time right now but I will be back!

This post has received a 50.00 % upvote from @steemthat thanks to: @pandorasbox. Thank you for your

Well, what a great post!! Thank you for the kind words and nice improvements.

I realy love the idea

A /duelbot
I think it would be great if there was a /duelbot like there are tippingbots also. Instead of issueing a normal challenge through STEEMPUNKNET, one could write in somebody's comments section:
"/duel @pandorasbox"

that's so cool. I think I won't be unemployed so quickly :D


Yes the /duelbot is something I would be most excited about too! I can just see people starting posts with prize pools to the champion who manages to beat all the opponents in a drop-out style contest !

Or how about the berniesanders-political-drama on here, maybe they'd like to publicly fight it out somehow!

Hell, they could even 'level up' by inviting their followers to fight them so they are able to out-fight their rival!

Oooo... that makes me think... what if we could fight as armies? Right now only two people can fight, but what if in the two hours prep-time others could opt to 'join' the fight? Every player who joins, gets to add a bonus to the end result, or perhaps a re-roll, or anything else!

Let's facilitate Steemit internal political civil wars, lol

Yeah, funny and awesome idea. I'm really thinking about it. than you read 100 comments with
/duel @berniesanders :D

... the first problem is, the defender must be in the SPN ... but i think about it how i can implement it. !!

Well, if that person isn't in Steempunknet perhaps the /duelbot shows up and says that the player targetted isn't in SPN, and then perhaps extend an invitation for that player to join? could be good for marketing too

hmmmmm, or the SPN bot writes a comment in which he writes an invitation?
god damn, i love the idea

Something like that yes,
I'm glad you like it!

p.s. I totally love the artwork on your profile cover pic!

I dont know if you know. Its from my favorite anime :-)

Wait..wait... I may know that one! I am not well versed in anime at all, but if I had to wager I would say that the graphics are based on Howl's Moving Castle?? One of the few I did watch :)

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