Sadboys Inc. (My entry for Rising Steem - A Multiplayer Role-Playing Game)

in #steempunk8 years ago (edited)

Backstory -

A decentralised, stateless megacorporation that established itself after the Great Deluge. Members of this faceless nation are mostly made up of cryptocurrency believers that remained safe, locked up in their sanitized doomsday bunkers during all the panic and disorder that swept the world.

Vaulted away, most of these individuals virtually thrived in their little underground havens - all fitted with solar-augmented mechanical generators, spacefood, hydroponics, virtual reality gizmos, and terminals connected to the IoT-powered Ethereum hypernetwork. These cryptonerds eventually converged onto Steemit as their post-armageddon social platform. Learning, building, posting everyday.

Trillions upon trillions of game theory simulations were performed by these Steempunks. No answers were found for a stable New World Order. Why would anyone need some kind of order anyway? Let anarchy rule the land. And after 400 days of shitposting, these survivors emerged out of their vaults into the brave new world. With an average nuclear radiation level at 90 millisieverts near blast-zones, reproductive abilities became borderline dysfunctional.

So they eventually called themselves sadboys. And that was how Sadboys Inc. came about. Salvation only lies in continued mass consumerism. Graphic, trollesque memes were their way of communication.

Due to technological requirements, Sadboys were located at the outskirts of five major (nuclear-wasted) metropoles of the Old World.

Starting Provinces -

  • Chennai, India
  • Tokyo, Japan
  • Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Capital)
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Hong Kong, China

Special traits of Sadboys Inc. -

  • Distributed Authority (+3 Permanent Stability)
  • Digital Currency (+1 Commerce / Province)
  • Heightened Learning (+1 Resources, Industry, Commerce / Province)
  • Radiation Poisoning (Population grows 80% slower)

To know more about Rising Steem by @iontom, please read this:

Follow me @kevinwong


Very creative civilisation, but the rules made by @iontom request that all the provinces be connected together, and that you pick two unique attributes. Your provinces are all over the map, and you chose 4 attributes, 2 of which you made up. @iontom will need to check off on the balancing, and you might need to change some things

Thanks, and yeap awaiting @iontom's input!

Very well written and well thought out man! although we are to designate 2 nation traits and the resources of each of our provinces bro, looks like this should still be in the edit time.

Hmm.. Sort of breaks the rule system w're putting together. Maybe we can allow it, but only with severe restrictions to growth. As in he is permanently confined to those locations, he doesn't have a expand/colonize functionality, at least in the early stages of the game.

Or each location is marked as a colony which has HIGH regional instability - meaning we might have to roll for revolt each turn. I'd also probably advise that he scraps using NYC and picks a fifth Asian city - and also one still needs to be designated Capital.

He'd have to play defensively, and could only attack people who colonized next to him. - zombie/plague style.

Yes I've shifted my provinces and other changes.. please do recommend the modifiers and value in the parameters as well (i'm quite inexperienced) :)

excellent post congratulations

Thanks for sharing

So cool! Although I admit I felt like a dumpass I had to read it twice to get it ☺

Hahah it's okay.. I just wrote this after some beers yesterday :P

btw your spelling of dumpass is growing on me.. i'm gonna use it

I would strongly advise that you won't ... this is what happens when spellcheck is off!!

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