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RE: SPS Proposal - Class Action Lawsuit against Facebook, Google & Twitter's Crypto Ad Ban

in #steemproposals5 years ago

Thanks for your long reply, but you have misunderstood things a bit.

  1. We are not suggesting that the SPS contribution is the sum total of all funds going to fight Facebook etc. It is part of a mix of funds from lots of sources.

  2. I am a very experienced lawyer who has twice won cases in the High Court of Australia against an opponent far bigger than Facebook, Google & Twitter put together! I know what league I am playing in and have been there before many times.

  3. The cost of legal cases for most people is mainly from paying lawyers. But when you are an experienced lawyer like me, you can do most of the legal work yourself, and thus it can cost much, much less. I've done this before a number of times.

  4. Unlike the US, where anti-trust law is weak, and the EU, where its all done by government, Australia allows private anti-trust class actions and has strong competition law. You are basing your thoughts on completely different legal regimes from the one we are bringing the class action in.


i seem to mis-understand a lot lately, sorry for that, so

if you dont mind my asking

who was that opponent, bigger than facebook , google and twitter together ?

i wont ask for your references

who was that mighty opponent ?

you see

i'm all up for natural selection, so scamming idiots because you are one would be fine with me

draining the ground i feed on , however , would put you on the exact opposite side

we need some clear perspective here, class action lawsuits against facebook are a bit more heavy than a few people with a quick ICO dipping in the wallets of the middle class

if you can just tell me who that mighty opponent was ?

Why don't you file the suit already?

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