Afternoon tea at Park Hyatt Saigon - review

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)


Another rainy day just perfect for another afternoon tea at Park Lounge - Park Hyatt Saigon. We’d been caught in a storm before and when the tropical shower comes you better hide, at least that's what we’ve learned so far. This time, we reached our destination just in time and when the pouring rain started, we were already enjoying the afternoon tea at Park Lounge. The safety of this hall was soothing with the repeated strikes of thunder. The bowing plants outside the window were entertaining but my attention kept shifting to the sparkling crystal chandeliers. It is mesmerizing how the light brakes in all the pallets of the rainbow in the small fraction of the crystal. Those ornaments are perfectly suited for the Park Lounge at Park Hyatt Saigon and are nicely visible from the first floor as well. Yes, this was absolutely the perfect place to indulge in an afternoon tea. Time flew by and it was quite a feast, the tea set was utterly delightful and chic, just like the surroundings.

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea
Hyatt Park Saigon and its lovely ambient

Tea selection

From the tea selection, I went for the Jasmin Chung Hao tea from Dammann Frères. It is made from mixed green tea of high quality with fresh Jasmine flowers, which gives it the distinctive flavor that I like so much. The tea was strong in character with a wonderful flowery fragrance and taste, it had an exquisite bouquet and distinct flavor.

Ian's choice was L’Oriental, also from Dammann Frères, a sweet green tea with the fruity flavors of passion fruit, bush peach and wild strawberry that were very convincing to him. The wild strawberry taste was more at the back, whereas the passion fruit really took over. Both teas were a great pairing for our food.

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea



The tea was the king on the table just for a brief period of time. When the bites came, they got all our attention. In fact, they were so beautiful that we had to resist taking our first bite before taking a few photos. With every click of the camera, our taste buds were getting increasingly impatient. The Scones were the first victim, as we didn't want the warm pastries to get cold. The first thing that came to our liking was the taste and the texture, where the crust was crunchy with the compact crumb, which is exactly as scones should be like! Then came the homemade strawberry jam and whipped cream. Personally, we would have preferred this to be served with a heavier clotted cream, however, all in all, this first part of the afternoon tea was a good indicator that this was going to be a very enjoyable experience.

Scones Hyatt
Scones Hyatt


By the time we finished the scones, my jasmine tea had gotten stronger, which was still ok. The bitterness rinsed away the tastes still lingering in my mouth and wiping it clean for the next part of our meal. We started with the sandwich in which we could taste good quality ingredients like ham and mellow cream cheese. It was a juicy sandwich with fresh bread that rounded the tender flavors. The pâté with breadstick was next: the best part of this dish was the crunchy caramel topping, as it gave the smooth pâté a nice contrast. It’s too bad we didn’t like the pâté. For us, it tasted too much of pork and it could have used more seasoning. We added some jam from the scones and it was already much better. Quite to the contrary, the next course of coated bread with air-dried salmon was delicious. The fruit caviar and fresh mint lifted the gentle flavors and made for a very palatable canapé. I love miniatures in all forms and this tiny bun was my crush from the beginning. Ian wanted to eat it first, but I didn't let him. Certainly, it was just too cute and I had to look at both of them all the way till the end of this savoury round. The subtle fish taste was perfect with young chives and the sweetness of the crunchy onion. Those savoury bites were simply delicious.

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea


Before the final part of our high tea etiquette, it was time to refresh my strong tea with some fresh water. Here at Park Lounge was staff happy to refill the silver pot. The sweets from house pâtisserie were absolutely delightful and nice looking. Allow me to describe each of them as they were very distinct. Starting with the biscuit cup, it was filled with dark chocolate cream and topped with a spoonful of cream quenelle. The combination of the brittle base with a rich chocolate topping made for a base slightly softened by cream. The Chocolate canelé had a dark caramelized crust with a soft banana flavor on the inside. The undulating shape of nutty filling made the profiterole more interesting, and with crunchy garnish, it was nothing short of excellent. The chef did a great job of using healthier ingredients for the macaron, and the taste was still spot on. The delicate meringue was made of healthy Matcha with red bean filling in between. The only thing that separated that macaron from perfection was a meringue that was too soft. Anyway, this was just a minor flaw. Our instinct was right to leave the rose jelly cube for last. It left us with the pleasant and long lasting aftertaste of roses. We are difficult to please with jelly, but this one made a good impression when it was melting in our mouths.

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea

The hint of elegance was present throughout the afternoon tea experience. It started with the character of Park Lounge and continued with the tea set, furthermore, we walked through the doors of Hotel Park Hyatt literally in roses. A very classy afternoon tea indeed - and not just classy, this is officially the best high tea in Saigon.

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea (49).jpg

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea (46).jpg

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea (42).jpg

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea (37).jpg

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea (38).jpg

Hyatt Park Saigon high tea (43).jpg

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That place was made to perfection!! It is just so elegant and classy- the chandeliers, the setting of the place, everything is just amazing! The decoration there is that of a minimalist style and I think that's what made it extra classy!

The food there looks delicious, you guys definitely were patient (like extremely patient) to have waited until you got these shots before enjoying your meal. I wouldn't have waited a second! Hahahah! Your photos are really beautiful, It did a great job showcasing the beauty of that place...

this is officially the best high tea in Saigon.

I can't argue with that. Lol. It definitely looks it!

Thank you very much for your reply. Very kind words. He he. Well once we jad an "accident" with fast Ian. We ate whole freaking set of savoury, before even one shot. Luckily the waiteress was extremly nice and she got us one just to take a photo and yeah fake it :) ha ha ha. Thank you for stopping by. Please be our guest to follow us and see more of nice reviews

Heheheh! That must have been really funny, they must have been some really tasty treat. Thank goodness the waitress was kind enough to get you another. Lol!

I Love seeing nice places, so I definitely will love to follow you guys on this fun adventure!

It surely was funny. Thank you very much for the support. We are hoping you will find some nice things on our blog.

Hahahah! I sure will, your blog is full of some gems!

@wnfdiary as I would like to live that from the first photo to the last photo that beautiful, the atmosphere every dish that you present in each dish looks very delicious so if it causes work in a place like Park Hyatt @neymarth10 It is important to tell you that I have been fascinated with this. I had to read it again to be able to leave a comment, the first time I completely muted.

I love the chandelier and the flower arrangement over the counter! They are just lovely. You also had a great shot from that top view. It is very elegant. I wonder if you are into professional photography. Are you?

Thank you very much. Well, professional photographers live from shooting right? Then I am not a professional. I am an artist who is lately into photography. I and my wife combined our interests together. She likes culinary and I know how to take a photo of it :) But yeah we are hoping we will be able to live off that what we do.

You and your wife are a good match with what each of you know. Good complement for each other.

I am not sure if you have discovered it already but just in case not yet, post your photos on It is like an Instagram website where you share photos. The great advantage here is that you also earn through likes on your photos. Go give it a try...

Thank you very much. I will check this thing and post also there. Every $ is more than welcome.

With the beautiful photos you have, I think you'll make good there. Good luck!

With the beautiful
Photos you have, I think you'll
Make good there. Good luck!

                 - macoolette

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Hi wnfdiary,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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Thank you very much, Curie. Is it ok if I join your curation trail? If we do, are we still legitimate to get your generous upvote? Thank you

Nice!! Hi! And bye! =)

Planing on my return ... lol but the summer is still holding in Slovenia =)

PS: I'm glad to see you are doing fine!

It is a perfect place to have tea, it is so elegant and sophisticated that it is completely obvious that it was raining outside .. The windows, the roof, the walls, the real estate, everything in that place is perfect. Beautiful photos, bright and with great quality .. Excelete post friends, a hug from Venezuela @wnfdiary !

So very elegant!
What's your name @wnfdiary?

How long years are you in photography?
And you travel as well, how many places already?
Too many questions lol!

Hey Ronel. I am photographing more serious for a bit more than a year. Before that I was on and off, but with the old camera. I am Ian and my wife is Vivi. We are traveling now almost one year. There has been many places. :) Now is our Asia tour. After that we are going back to Europe, than we will see.

Thanks for the answers Ian&Vivi!
For now, where are you in Asia? I'd seen your profile, your location is in Vietnam.
You're in Vietnam now?

Yes. We are in Hoi An

That's a lot of fun!
Are you alone travelling or you have your partner or other companions?
I guess I'm coming back again in asking a lot of questions lol

He he. No problem. We are a couple. Here you can read whole stroy ;)

That's great!
Thanks for sharing your website and of course your precious time replying to my 'many questions' comments lol
I'm gonna check the site now.

You are much welcome. Thank you for stopping by

The place is so elegant , atmosphere is so peaceful and quite. This would the right place if you want to have a couple of hours with partner to enjoy each other's company. With some soft music in the background, now i visualized myself enjoying tea in that place. I love passion fruit tea a lot, the aroma is so refreshing. Thank you for showing us and review the food, it would be a great information for us in case we plan to drop a visit to this place. Your photography skill very good too, i love all the photos you took. Enjoy your day!!

This is so intimidating! Do they have a dress code? I have never had high tea anywhere and now I am pretty sure if would not be up to the challenge!

Your photos are just lovely and the hotel lobby looks so lush. I have a feeling I would be kicked out if I tried to walk in there.

I would love to know how much this cost though. I was in HCMC for four days and ate street food for maybe 20 USD total. I'm thinking this might be more than that :)

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