Review Game Assassin’s Creed Origins

in #steempress6 years ago

Assassin's Creed, there is a feeling of love and hate when talking about this one franchise. Love for being clear, what Ubisoft did with him was right in the early years. The mechanical improvements that start from the second series, the fantastic story and characterization through Ezio's storyline, and the myriad of mysteries that are waiting to be explored make it a title that is always anticipated.



But the decision to release it as an annual release game is a fatal boomerang. At the beginning of this policy implementation, Assassin's Creed still looks stunning. But as time goes by, especially with the necessity to offer different historical timelines and settings, it begins to lose its appeal in the last few series. Finally, Ubisoft rested him for a year.

And frankly, there is no more sweet decision. The decision to rest the series for a year to provide an opportunity for his film adaptation to shine on the big screen turned the team behind the Black Flag series had a chance to mix a solid series


The good news? Along with the progress of the trip you tasted it, the attraction is endured or even end better, especially from the world design, visual, and gameplay that carried.

The Order

As most of us know, Assassin's Creed Origins has made Egyptian civilization the ultimate setting, with some iconic characters like Cleopatra and Julius Caesar as the driving force of the story. But if you have to look at the timelines on the real-world historical side, calling them "classic" civilizations seems a bit wrong.

What Origins explores is actually a more "modern" Egyptian civilization where various achievements were made by the ancient Pharaoh. Egypt itself has now become a melting place between various nations, especially Greece and Rome.


You play a fighter named Bayek. A tragedy struck him and encouraged Bayek to run a revenge mission. His beloved son ended up dead in the hands of a secret organization with masked humans named "The Order".

Each of the members of The Order comes with a codenamed animal and anonymous identity. Bayek began to explore whoever they were with the desire to take the life of each of them. He is also assisted by his beloved wife - Aya who now stands under the leadership of Cleopatra - a royal princess whose throne was captured by Pharaoh named Ptolemy.


But the attempt to destroy The Order was to open the eyes of Bayek about how serious their influence in Egypt. That not just one or two people, this organization turns out to have so many important people who have a clear mission - controlling and controlling Egypt from behind the scenes.

Until at that stage, they were able to manipulate so many things to make Ptolemy a Pharaoh which made the Egyptian people even more miserable. While on the other hand, Bayek must also perform his duties as a Medjay - a protector of super-wise people who are counted on to solve the various personal and social problems that exist. This revenge mission culminated in being bigger than he could have imagined.


So, who are the members of The Order? How did Bayek and Aya end up starting the Assassin organization as we know it all along? What is the role of Cleopatra and Caesar in the story? All the answers to that question you can get by playing this Assassin's Creed Origins.

Beautiful Egypt

If there is one thing that Assassin's Creed never fails to do is build a world with the right atmosphere and worthy of representing the existing time line. The same is true in Origins. As a desert region with a dominant desert, you will enjoy Egypt's past with optimal capacity.

Ubisoft's ability to integrate and rearrange this classic life in the format of today's generation visual platform that meamng deserves thumbs up. I'm not just talking about technical stuff like textures or dramatic lighting effects that achieve them. But how he was able to form a realistic civilization there.


Although I have no deep knowledge of Egyptian life in the past, you will be able to see the seriousness of Ubisoft to build this beautiful world of civilization. You can see how cities and villages grow around the Nile - which is the source of life in the middle of the desert.

Each of these cities has its own architecture, from meeting small houses with a unique shape to a magnificent building that contains various symbols to the statue of the Egyptian god in large sizes. But on the other hand, you will also find other areas that live from various livelihoods. Wheat farmers on the one hand, salt farmers on the other, and those who live as mummies peracik for those who died.


One fantastic thing from Ubisoft's world is that it is a success to keep building it not apart from the mystical value that exists, as it should be. That in a civilization of the past where there is no scientific explanation for many phenomena, religion and beliefs are seen as solutions.

In Origins, this element is offered as it is, united with the life of the Egyptian community itself. Bayek himself, for example, is Medjay who believes in the influence of Egyptian gods on the values of life, from mere prosperity to justice. That mystical influence no longer raises religious ceremonies, but also blends the point of view for the various problems that occur as well as the solution. Dealing with it does make you seem to be absorbed into Egypt's past should be.


The design of the city is one of the best parts of Assassin's Creed Origins. That it is clear Ubisoft does have data to mix the existing cities in their proper capacity, rather than simply guessing and creating an imitation that is not much different from each other. You can meet a city like Shiva for example, feels like a small "standard" city.

But on the other hand, there are other cities like Alexandria that are clearly built with Roman culture as the foundation. The cities living beside the Nile also have different specific characteristics. Some focus on setting up ports with surrounding cities, but there is a city like Memphis for example that integrates Nile in the center of the city, making traveling societies have to go through their shallow currents to move from corner to corner. Each city also has their own mystical approach, from worshiping the Crocodile-Sobek to the worshiped sacred bull. The world built by Ubisoft in Origins is really awesome.


Then we will be faced with a world that feels like a heartbeat, with a vibrant society. The day and night changes that are going to affect a lot of things, especially from small things like the crowd in the city to the bigger - like the guard AI behavior in a headquarters that you want to "fix". Just like the wilderness in the real world, you will also encounter sand storms that come randomly, which will make you have a limited viewing angle and not able to use Senu, the flagship bird for the scouting process. More cool? You can sometimes see this sandstorm coming from a distance.

Ubisoft indeed had claimed that Origins comes with the world's biggest ever offered in any Assassin's Creed game. We are pleased to report that the claim is true. Although some parts of the area do contain wilderness that does not have much interesting content in it, most of this area is divided into urban areas, villages, or swamps with a solid life inside.


With so many points that you can explore, this is a world that is ready to offer gameplay up to tens of hours for you who are interested to dive every corner. You may be able to hate Assassin's Creed, but this series seems to prove, that building the world is one of the main strengths of Assassin's Creed.

Without Tower System

As they have applied in Watch Dogs 2 and succeeded, the criticisms of their increasingly "stale" open-world system finally applied to Assassin's Creed Origins. That it is no longer like a series of past where you have to climb the Tower to unlock a variety of side missions and important places for your journey, you will now be exposed to a real open-world game. That you will be able to walk to the corner of the world offered by AC Origins though no longer limited by the fact that you have to open it via the Tower first.

However, that does not mean Ubisoft removes this Tower just like that. Only, the role is made no longer significant and is not required to be climbed and conquered. Spread over tens of pieces across Egypt, the Tower is now present in various forms and this location will offer two important content if you intend to sync on it.


First, it is "Fast Travel". Given the world of Origins is really wide to be explored, Fast Travel will be an important point if you want to move more quickly and effectively. The opportunity not to ride for 15 minutes to get to the mission you want to accomplish is a gift in itself. Second? It now affects one more essential thing - the perception effectiveness of Senu, your pet bird.

Because almost all the role of the Tower is now replaced Senu, Bayek pet birds that you can call by using only one button. Simply put, Senu will play like Drone in Ghost Recon: Wildlands. Being your eyes in the sky, you will automatically be able to automatically see the various resources and important places you might visit later, and then mark them using a custom marker.


Senu can also be used for the scouting process, marking guards, important items, mission markers, to a mere variety of other tools you can use during missions. Here, Senu's perception works. The more Tower you climb, the higher the Senu perception, the faster the tagging process will work. At the beginning, you even have to highlight a guard for a few seconds just to mark it and see what level he is holding. In the number of towers that have touched the number 40s, Senu's perception will be enough to make it mark so many things just by a glance.

Senu's presence also encourages Ubisoft to remove the mini-map system from Assassin's Creed Origins. This decision not only makes the experience visually fantastic because there is no more "dirty" user-interface that eliminates the immersive experience, but also makes the role of Senu even more essential.


Especially considering that you need to collect various resources for the process of crafting clothes or weapons whose position will be more effectively found with Senu. More cool? You can set Senu like Drone, by asking him to fly higher, for example. The higher it flies, the wider the angle of view that he has, the more information he offers to be explored by Bayek.

Although you actually have the freedom to explore Origins world from the beginning, Ubisoft still try to "limit" your motion to ensure you still get a more balanced playing experience. One of them? By applying RPG concept in it.




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