Vornix Daily: Total Vornix Users, Votes that Vornix users getting from Steempress-io last 7 days

in #steempress6 years ago

Total Vornix users

Total users: 316
Total paid users: 202

Votes that Vornix users getting from Steempress-io last 7 days

Total users get voted by Steempress-io: 133
Total vote weight from Steempress-io to Vornix users: 1474%
Total vote from Steempress-io to Vornix users: 439

How to sign up Vornix?

Send a one-time fee of 10 SBD/STEEM to @vornix(always check the main page for latest price and instruction) with the memo 'WordPress' and your personal WordPress site should be created within 24 hours.

The login credential will be sent back to you as a microtransaction with the encrypted memo. Login with owner/memo private key to decrypt it.

Contact us for any issues at Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/N22zv3D

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://vornix.blog/2018/08/07/vornix-daily-total-vornix-users-votes-that-vornix-users-getting-from-steempress-io-last-7-days/

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STEEM 0.30
TRX 0.12
JST 0.033
BTC 64420.25
ETH 3150.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.99