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RE: One Man's Pleasure, Another Man's Pressure

in #steempress6 years ago

Just another side of our lives, man.

The army? Yes and no. I'm still chasing dream jobs and the greener grass on the other side. There has to be a place like that, or so I've heard. :D

But I'm slowly and surely learning my lessons and coming to terms with life. :))))


I definitely believe that that place exists, even if only yet in our imaginations; that makes it real but because it is subject to our fears, our doubts, our uncertainties, it is stuck in a realm of would be or could be. But we have this one life to give birth to all that we dream of right? I am no master but I aspire to dream bigger than my circumstance, to believe that even my current situation can submit to my will if I am willing to submit to my heart and internal being - that child inside all of us that is neither shy nor scared to speak it's mind (think bout it, we always hear our own true thoughts, but never utter it because of fear - if we were children, that fear wouldn't be a player in our lives!)

Anyways, it must be late night that's giving me so much crap to talk about. Keep on pursuing man, never back down, dream and most of all believe there is no commodity on earth that can determine your value - that is up to you to decide, which again limits it (your value) to the skies!


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