in #steempress6 years ago (edited)
Do you ever wonder what's a dream? Is it a prophecy of what is to come in the future? Is it somewhere we go to escape life’s ups and downs? Or could it be the spirit world trying to warn or tell us something that we need at that moment for clarity? Or perhaps a message from the past, a long-deceased loved one reaching out from the misty depths of the spirit world? Might it be our subconscious mind, clarifying a problem in our lives or giving us a glimpse of future events to come? Or is it simply that pickle that we ate before bed?

I say the answer to all these questions is “Yes.”

What Type of Dream you have?

What is your type of dreams. One dream is different from another.


Many of us have had the same dream over and over again. These may be dreams of fears that you need to address in your waking life. Sometimes recurring dreams will visit for years until finally what they have represented is clear to you. Interpreting these dreams can help to solve the riddle they represent; then they will stop coming.


If you wake up frightened, then it’s a nightmare. Nightmares are very real and very terrifying to some people. Most of us focus on the feeling of fear we’re left with, rather than the details of the dream that created it. Many people who suffer from chronic nightmares are plagued by very real traumas in their waking lives, whether present-day or remembered. Getting help is the best way to banish nightmares, particularly those that make repeat visits.


Healing dreams are indeed message dreams. They include messages that are meant to motivate you to take some specific action in regard to your health or a possible medical problem.


As the name implies, epic dreams are unforgettable to those who experience them, not just in length but also in vivid detail. These dreams are also known as cosmic dreams, because of the symbology and meaning they contain.


These dreams are usually predict or foretell some aspect of your future. Some people do not believe that prophetic dreams exist, which is why these dreams are often referred to as psychic dreams. However, those who have them are adamant that they offer accurate direction.


A lucid dream occurs when you are in a state of knowing that you are dreaming. Though you remain asleep, you actively tell yourself that this is only a dream and you remain dimly or completely aware that this is so. Some people have developed the ability to take control of a lucid dream once they recognize that they’re dreaming. If you can do this, you can become an active participant in your dream and can control where it is going and what you do in it. In a sense, you are scripting your own dream.


Daydreams happen somewhere between the wakeful state and a sound sleep. These “half dreams” often take on the tone of a fantasy or surreal experience. Some daydreamers use the fuzzy boundaries of the wakeful dream to shape their visions and visualize positive outcomes in their waking lives.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://verasj.vornix.blog/2018/10/07/what-is-a-dream/

Very interesting topic to think about!

I think dreams could be a way our subconscious gives us fantasy entertainment of things we would like to do. Like flying or winning a game or getting a partner we'd like to be with. Also it warns us and shows us how things that we're afraid of could turn out if we don't do something to stop them. I do think it's all in the mind, something that the brain creates, but I do respect anybody who thinks that it might be something from the spirit world. No one really knows!

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