Savings and Investment Why So HARD? A Personal Struggle

in #steempress6 years ago

One way or another, our parents or other people will say that we need to have savings and investment.

But the underlying question there is do we follow that or at the very least do that.

If ever that you have read the previous post about Knowing Your Worth you may have noticed that I didn't include a savings amount there nor any investments. The reason for that is pretty simple it is because I don't have any well, as I am writing this blog I have checked my coin purse and I have 697.75 Pesos with 3 Tom's World Tokens which I think we bought when @ellebravo and I dated a few weeks ago.


Now the question: is there any amount that I am going to mark as "savings" there?


I do want to say YES with great conviction that there will be an amount that will go to savings there but I will be lying to myself which I hate the most so the answer for that is NO. For the reader of this blog who are commenting like @adamada ( the financial guru here that I do look forward to ) and @jazzhero my online best friend. That is the answer I do know that you are not expecting any good answers coming from me on that question, nor not expecting anything at all but I am guilty as charged as I am one of the Filipinos who just have this thinking that let tomorrow worry himself.


To answer the question on the title Saving and Investment why so hard? I will be sharing a short story.

Once upon a time in a land far away, there was a man named Oliver. He was living in a contented life before he work in a call center company somewhere. He was paying the hospital bills that time however and he is almost living paycheck to paycheck for more than a year until he was able to pay it off completely. You can check the full story here

When he thought that everything is all okay he decided to have a mindset that he needs to "reward" himself for the hard work that did in the past days/ years so he come up with the concept of buying 1 new t-shirt or eating out or even buy a new gadget if he will have a bonus from his work.

He was happy when he is looking on the things that he have bought however, it does come to a point that it become something that the young man is eyeing for each time. Even though he have a good set of clothes which he can wear for almost 2 months without repeating ( as I have checked my cabinet yesterday) he had an urge that the "item is calling him" or "the smell of the food is really enticing and I need to eat that or else I will be in bad mood".

Now, since the young man is having a hard time finding a job he comes to a point wherein he is looking at the previous mistakes that he did he realized something very important. Everything boils down to his bad decisions, it is deeply rooted that even though he know the concept of getting out of it not only his bad decisions but also lacking of discipline with regards to finances.



There is still hope for him!

As you may have noticed, there is no ending on that story yet, well that is because it is still ongoing and after realizing his previous mistakes and still struggles he come up with a plan to change. I do like the quote coming from Maya Angelou

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou
Since I really don't like the situation that I am into, I need to change it and also my attitude. For sure I am living the life that I really like to have. Writing stuff, surfing the internet, chatting with some folks etc. but at the end of the day or looking in the future as if I have a time machine or something am I going to be on this situation still? Or do I want to remain broke and not having any savings or investment when I grow old? Those are the pivotal questions that he needs to address not as a "kid" but being a man that will have a family in the future.


I haven't created the vernacular post on this blog yet. I will be doing the story maybe tomorrow in our native tongue for the first part of the story hopefully I will have some time to do that.

Also, to wrap everything up here's a short youtube video of someone that I do follow lately which is I think one of the main reason why I have this mindset.

<br /><center><hr/><em>Posted from my blog with <a href=''>SteemPress</a> : </em><hr/></center>


good article friend thanks

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