Ulog-October 31st.

in #steempress6 years ago

Another Halloween

So today is October the 31st, or in the hearts and minds of children, Halloween! That time of year when their parents actually let them take candy from strangers!

Yes, the little ones will be out in full force, walking door to door, wearing all sorts of costumes, and saying those words endlessly till they finally go home for the night, Trick or Treat!

My wife and eye have no little ones at home now, so the best we can do is pass out treats to the little ones that come knocking, although living in an apartment building, that usually limits us to children in the building, although some children are adventurous and cunning enough to get in from the "outside', although that is very infrequent. The one thing we do look forward to is our grandson dropping by. He is only 10, so he has a few years left, that Halloween still appeals to him, before he discovers girls are much more fun than going door to door looking for candy!

Count Braeden... our grandson, a memory from another Halloween!

As I sat writing this, I remembered back years ago, when we lived in another province, in a rented house. Our two boys would be dressed in their costumes and my wife would take them around the neighbourhoods, while I sat at home giving treats out. I would always dress up for this, and looked forward to the little ones coming by. I also let it be known to my friends that if they so wanted, they could drop by and I'd give them an appropriate age treat, meaning a drink.

You'd be surprised how many of those friends did drop by, and a party would break out. So when the wife brought the children back, and had put them in bed, she'd often join in, or, with the encouragement of my mother, who always dropped by, they would dress up as well, and go out and visit their friends.

At the moment, I am sitting here and am listening to the thunder and the rain hitting our patio doors, for some reason it always seems to rain or get very cold here on halloween,lately. the last couple of years have been this way. I feel badly for young ones who have been waiting patiently for this day to arrive, only to have it quite possibly ruined for them because of weather, the local weather person is saying that this storm should pass some time early this afternoon, I do hope so.


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://skiponlinenow.com/ulog-october-31st/

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