How to develop your child's emotional intelligence?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

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The emotional relationship defines possibilities of personal success



For parents, therefore, it is not enough to worry only about the academic training and the acquisition of knowledge of the children. Nowadays, you also have to think and act with care to help them develop their emotional intelligence.

Do you want to know how and why?
The emotional relationship defines possibilities of personal success, Defined as the "ability to identify our own feelings and those of others, to motivate and manage emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships." It is, therefore, of emotions that we are talking about. And although rationalization has been overvalued by the labor market for so long, the author argues that it is precisely in the ability to relate to others with kindness and understanding the key to the success of individuals.


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Knowing this, it only came down to that of a basic idea that emotionally healthy children are one that does not cry, does not tantrum frustrated or does. These are natural reactions of childhood! So what is really going to make the difference for your child is how he learns to identify, understand and manage these feelings.

A good way to make the child understand that those feelings are natural is to show that you also suffer, become sad, make mistakes and become frustrated. Seeing that this also happens with parents and observing how adults deal with these situations, the child naturally learns that reparation is possible and that feelings, however painful they may be, can be a source of learning and growth.

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The work begins with 5 basic skills:
* The ability to recognize one's emotions and feelings;

* Emotional control;
* The automotive;
* The ability to recognize the emotions of others;
* The ability directed to interpersonal relationships.
One of the consequences of this closer relationship is the development of self-esteem. But, unlike what you can imagine, praising all the time and making the child feel the most special in the world does not develop self-esteem. In practice, you will only have confidence in yourself if you trust in the capacity itself and if you are not afraid to take risks and overcome yourself always. Praise can not only be as they should be present but ideally, they are related to those achievements. In the same way, criticisms must be made with the utmost care possible, even compared to the positive characteristics of the child.

Resultado de imagen para vida emocional sana en los niños

The overprotection ends up hurting the development

Although it may seem painful in the eyes of many overprotective parents, children can not help but feel frustration in life - preferably early on. The more you stop your child from winning, doing or feeling what you want, the more it prevents you from developing the skills cited above and having a healthy relational life in the future.
The sooner the child understands that not everything she wants to come true and that the world is going to say many do not, better learn to deal with the inevitable dissatisfactions. This increases his resilience and, however contradictory it may seem, allows him to be more optimistic in relation to problems and obstacles, knowing that sometimes it is natural to have to wait, give way or go back.

Resultado de imagen para Parents engaged in the emotional education of their children

But beware: the opposite of overprotection cannot be an avalanche of criticism and fights! Parents cannot leave the distribution of no and generating frustration. In order for learning and the development of critical awareness, your child needs to understand why he can not have what he wants at the time he wants. Crying and sadness should be received not with anger and criticism, but with support and affection.


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The child should know that you understand that she is sad or disappointed, but that this is part of life and she needs to learn to cope. Playing is also a very efficient way to develop the skills necessary for emotional intelligence. After all, it is also in the fantasy of the game that children learn about their abilities, as well as in the forms of relationship and the need to respect the rules of interaction and functioning of things and the world.

The phases of childhood call for different types of approach As in everything related to the upbringing of children, there is no single manual to help in the development of emotional intelligence of children. Each age demands a different way of approaching the same situations. For 2 years and a half, the child can already learn to think and understand their emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
Remember that when they are very young, their children learn more by actions than by words, to educate by example. When speech is more developed, you can already talk and think together with the child, doing empathy exercises.

Resultado de imagen para padres siendo ejemplo con sus acciones

Doing different activities with your child also helps in this communication. But that does not mean just marking programs and trips away from home,
Simple, everyday activities can be excellent moments of learning and intellectual and emotional training, as long as the parents are really focused on the children. Requesting the child's help to go to the supermarket, wash clothes, prepare food or even clean the house promotes, on a daily basis, various opportunities for self-knowledge and development of emotional intelligence.

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