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RE: Encountering The Book Of Changes

in #steempress5 years ago

I have loved following this journey of yours.

If we have done the work of clearing away some of our beliefs/behaviours that are the result of conditioning over time, and are making choices based on the authentic expression of the true-Self, then when these limiting patterns “rear their ugly head” again, they will not harm or unduly influence us this time.

The work goes ever on.

It is fascinating to approach the seemingly mundane in a mindful, conscious way.

activist self

I have also wrestled with this. Taking a step back is quite liberating. It doesnt mean we dont care, but that we dont attach to the outcome that causes us suffering. At least thats how I see it.

It was odd reading this as that psychospiritual healer I briefly told you about on the weekend made space to tap my unconcious mind. There was the wound, and the extreme felt sense of that, but also a very powerful vision of being outside time, or realising the long, long vista of time. The fact that she rang to reschedule my appointment for solstice did not escape me either. And so the days get longer now, and the wheels turn.

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Hmmm... maybe I need to see this person too.... Feeling out of kilter this morning. I don't normally go visit folk like this - believe it or not, I'm a sceptic! But there have been times when I've been drawn to it, and has been useful and appropriate.

Maybe it's just because we've done the Solstice thing, and now we're looking at the long haul of Melbourne winter... here we go!!

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