5 Strangers Early Christmas Morning, and A Lot of Love for My Steemfolk xx

in #steempress5 years ago (edited)

The world is busy. It never stops. The faces rush past you on the street and look right through you. It's the same in the surf, on the beaches. In the old days everyone knew everyone - the world's too populated for that now. People stick to their cliques in the water, ignore you as you paddle past unless you might be catching their wave or they yours.

But it's Christmas, and there's something special about early Christmas mornings, no matter if you celebrate it or not.

My Post 7.jpg

Last night I slept in the van at my folks house - I'd had a few too many proseccos and the full moon was low and full of brandy on the horizon, shone through the mosquito netting and diffracted across the bed. The possums were narky at each other in the gum trees and a night bird I didn't know shouted at elves carolling on the next block over. I itched all over - the mosquitos hadn't heard that netting was barrier for them or perhpas I just was bitten when I went out for a midnight pee. Or maybe I heard my nephews wake up four streets over - they were up rustling presents under the Christmas tree at 4.45 am, the time I awoke. I know there's little point to keep trying to sleep - my brain rattles around too much and I get full of excitement too.

The last seven Christmases I've surfed on Christmas Day.

This is acceptable in my family because we've mostly all been surfers, and my mum's pretty tolerant of that as she knows the joy it brings us. A quick surf, then home for Santas, she says, and we're off, still full of trifle from the Christmas pudding the night before. This morning is different - Dad's still to sick too surf and my man and my boy are in England. So it's me all on my own. This would seem kinda sad but there's something meditative about it. The silence and peace seems like a gift I hold to my heart and squeeze like a baby bird. I need some stillness in my life - everything's always speaking, always in terrific motion.

So I catch the sun up at Point Addis, watch it glow and greet the silent world. There's less cars in the carpark - well, none when I first get there. It's what I love most about surfing on Christmas day - there's no one around. A young couple pull up in a van and an old guy on a mal I've seen out there before. We nod and greet each other Merry Christmas - it seems that whilst many of us don't believe in Christ and the reasons for this day, we still understand that it's a time where you can at least smile at strangers and feel blessed to be in the world at all. As if there is a stronger force looking down on us. That sun, perhaps, as it comes wetly out of the sea, and the moon that sets over the cliffs, no longer the orange ball of fire but a pale and tired thing that is happy to sleep and let the sun take over.


There's left over swell from yesterday, and whilst the sets are few and far between, occasionally a bigger one comes through. In each set there's only one or two good waves, and though the usual game would normally begin, involving paddling like fuck to get around someone to get on the wave first or making eye contact to see if they are going to paddle, on this day it's different. Five strangers hoot and call each other onto the waves - there's the couple, Alan the mal rider (I learn his name on the walk down to the beach as we muse on the merits of Christmas surfs), another woman on a mini mal and me on the paddle board. Two or three waves three of us ride together - I take off as far inside as I can as I can paddle the fastest, and the goofy footer pixie slip of a thing stumbles to her feet in front of me, Alan way on the shoulder.


There's one really good mal rider out there, cross footing his way across the board. The sun backlights him up as I paddle back out and he hangs ten, deft and sure. He keeps calling us onto waves - doesn't care to get everyone himself, wants us girls to have a go. The girls talk about how good it is to surf Addis because it's the one place they can surf without too much hassle. In the long wait between sets I sit down on my SUP with them and chat. I never get a chance to talk to the girls out there - I'm different with my SUP and a bit older. Someone said the other day that they're probably intimidated by me - I thought they were just being biatches, but then it stands to reason. I've been doing it alot longer than them and perhaps I don't appear friendly as I paddle past. This morning it's different though - we talk about where we're from, they ask about whether it's hard to learn to SUP and if the paddle gets in the way (it never does - it's kinda an extension of me, another arm - I instinctively strike it into the face to stall, glide it through the water to speed up) and I talk to them about growing up on this coast. We joke and laugh and hoot each other onto waves and laugh as we all fake 'grunt' to get on them. We're all grinning like mad - total strangers enjoying a Christmas morning together, unfettered by the usual social conventions that have us in our own bubbles.

I walk back up the beach with one of them - she rents a house two minute drive away. She has a cool T2 Transporter van (ours is a T5) and I've wondered who that van belongs to for ages - there's feathers stuck in the foam of the cracked dash, Sea Shephard stickers, mandalas. Seemed like a van after my own heart. We wish each other Merry Christmas, and smile, and say 'see ya next time, nice to meet you' and I feel all warm inside.

I love people, you see. I like silence and I'm awkward in social situations and I get overstimulated and withdraw into my turtle shell and don't want to speak to anyone, but I do love people. And I wanted to acknowledge the people here that I love so, who've been so darn nice to me all year and ended up pretty solid friends. Who knows, I could pass you on the street and we might not even look at each other or smile. But getting to know you all makes me realise there's some pretty darn awesome people in the world and it's worth smiling at everyone you walk past, because most of them are probably just like us Steemfolk, wanting to engage and connect with each other, millions of potential friends in the cryptosphere with a shit-ton to offer.

I am so grateful for your wisdom, your smiles, your humour and your willingness to help when I need it. I'm so grateful that you read my posts and comment, and share things that make me get to know you a bit more or make me remember every single darn day what creative, clever, freaking awesome people are in the world. I'm going to miss you whilst I'm away from Steemit for a few weeks, I really will! Thankyou so much for being you. Thankyou so much for everything you do. I love you all tremendously.

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, the sentiment today is one of peace and love and gratitude, and I wish each and every one of you a really beautiful day, where-ever you are in the world.

#In particular I'd like to thank my girl power homies @mountainjewel (thanks for the hilarious Discord chats and vent sessions when things here have driven us to despair), @walkerland (who seems to have a parellel life to mine, of sorts), @eaglespirit, @thetreeoflife, @artemislives, @trucklife-family, @porters, @immarojas. Honest to god we are strong sisters here! There's other beautiful woman too that always seem to drop in and say hi - @goldenoakfarm in particular always makes an effort to comment, and there's others I'd love to get to know more like @allyinspirit and @sallybeth23. And then there's others that have been an ABSOLUTE part of my journey here and I couldn't imagine Steemit without checking in with them - @alchemage, @mrprofessor, @nateonsteemit, @sagescrub, @yestermorrow, @metametheus, @eco-alex, @senorcoconut - oh my god there really are too many of you to name! Funny, witty, intelligent, kind and just generally awesome, you guys have totally made my year, and I'm looking forward to another year on Steemit with you all, once I've given my brain and my typing fingers a bit of a rest!


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.riverflowings.com/5-strangers-early-christmas-morning-and-a-lot-of-love-for-my-steemfolk-xx/

Nawww..... merry Xmas hun..... wishing I was at beach or out of city, but alas too busy with work to be going anywhere this summer which is kinda bumming me out.

Massive hugs to you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

See you soon 😊🙏🏽💜🏄🏽‍♂️

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I'll be at Woori Yallock til the 6th meditating so no beach for me til then.. plus it's super crowded so it's better you work now and see if you can make time come Feb-april. Good you are working babe xx Happy silly season x

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It's you, @riverflows!
Reading this latest article of yours I was reminded of a post I read... a long time ago. I managed to calculate that it was nine months ago when I was working in the bike-shop in Victoria BC, so I scrolled down in your long list of posts, and found it! Indeed it was you who wrote that post about a men's world in surfing: https://steemit.com/teamgirlpowa/@riverflows/it-s-a-man-s-surfing-world
I remember having given you an upvote (though not a comment), and much more so the animated conversation the topic caused among the two bike mechanics I was working with: One of them, a guy and a passionate surfer, relating to how on some beaches (sometimes even in Canada, though in his experience more typically in the US) certain surfers believe they have the right to steal waves, regardless of their gender. The other mechanic, a woman but non-surfer, was relating very strongly to how men (in the States, Canada, and pretty much everywhere) tend to steal all types of "waves" in a variety of settings on dry land, with the same attitude that they believe its perfectly okay.
We went on discussing gender and respect in the contexts of surfing and bike-mechanics literally for hours, and I was kinda happy that it was your post that brought it up. I realize that this comment is a bit off-topic here. It would be more appropriate for that post, but what I'm quite stoked about now is to discover that you are the same author! And yes, I've already been following you.
I also wish you a happy X-mas time. Hang loose and catch some good waves! :-)

Oh wow that's really cool. To think on the other side of the world something I said was being brought up in another context but still relevant! And yes I knew we connected way back then... but had kinda drifted quickly apart again. And now the reconnection in such an affirming way. Thanks so much for this, I appreciate you sharing! So cool! I'd love to know gender politics in bike mechanics and other sporting friends.

Of course, this surf was utterly different... it was just 5 strangers having a blast and gender had nothing to do with it.. or maybe it did as the girls did bring it up. They were amazed however to know that there were only 5 girls surfing on the surf coast in the 80s days (one of them me) as there's a lot more now. So cool.

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Yeah, now that you mention it, my comment doesn't seem that off-topic any more. You know what else is cool? That you live in Victoria as well, but the Australian one!
As for bike-mechanics, my friend excels at it, as all her mechanic colleagues will gladly affirm. It's usually people who come into the shop that don't know her, who are likely to treat her as ... well, someone who can't know mechanics because she's a woman. This is why she tends to be very outspoken, taking a straight forward, no-nonsense approach to customers. After the initial shock of her style, leaving no doubt that she knows what she's talking about, they appreciate her helpfulness. As a result she became not only a great mechanic, but an amazing teacher. I know, I have learned so much from her.

So, she has to adopt traditional manly traits to be taken seriously? I find this fascinating!

Ah yes, so you're Victorian as well! Cool!

Well, best be off ... gotta finish up all this STUFF so I can drive up to where I'm going for ten days!! Looking forward to interactions in the new year x

Hmmm... manly traits? I'm not sure. At the bike shop the typical "manly" trait was to hide in the basement and work on bikes without much interaction with others.
Honorary Victorian at best. It's actually Mexico City I live in, but at heart I'm a collector of places of origin.
Have a safe trip, and get well into the new year. Also likewise, looking forward to awesome interactions!

A very different way to celebrate Christmas, but it really was very fine! Cool to finally meet the people you've been seeing, like the woman with the T2.

I was up at 4:20 this Christmas morning, but definitely NOT doing anything as fun as you were. I'm doing laundry I never did yesterday due to procrastination. Instead I finished my Christmas puzzle. :))

Merry Christmas!

And my house is a mess! I have to clean it tomorrow before I go. These things need doing! It really was a nice morning. Also read a whole book and had lunch with the family! Hope you have a relaxing Christmas with all the christmassy carols to sing to, dear @goldenoakfarm xx

Actually, I had to cook, and that means paying attention. Music takes a lot of my energy to listen to (thanks, Lyme disease!) so I have not had it on. But I'm done with the paying attention part, so maybe I will put it on in a bit...

My house is always a mess. Asked the son to vacuum before he left, did a crap job. Oh well....

Such a beautiful heartfelt post!

You are so right, no matter whether or not you celebrate Christmas, there is just something about the peace of that quiet morning. And traditions are what we make them to be... so nice you got to enjoy something you have made your tradition!

I am right there with you, silent and awkward in social situations... I enjoy my shell too much... but there are times when something clicks and the world is okay.

Blessings to you.... the people on your list, I am slowly coming to know... and you are correct, they are all wonderful.

Ah, and you are one I would like to connect with more next year! Xxxx Many well wishes for you and yours xxxx

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The feeling is mutual @riverflows.

Love you 😘😘 so glad we’ve met through this online sphere, an international junction for free thinkers. I’m so excited for your time of silence and wishing you every good thing! It’s christmas morning here, just past 6 am and you’re right, always something special about the day. Waking up to gorgeous sun coming over Rocky Mountains, but yeah a surf would be divine 🙏🏼💚🌿

Well sunrise over the mountains seems pretty spesh! Love you to bits and big hugs to you and Ini. X

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Christmas in the Southern Hemisphere is always a little bit special with Santa surfing, diving from a helicopter etc... 😂

In New Caledonia, today was cloudy and rainy so we didn’t do much but stay home and recover from our Xmas Eve party.

Wishing you a happy Christmas Day!

Happy Christmas @quochuy! I haven't forgotten the iris, will send in the new year! Been lovely getting to know you this year! xx

A Christmas morning surf sounds divine! Thanks for the heartfelt description, I felt like I was almost there.

I miss early mornings on the beach, an ex of mine was a surfer and I loved to go with him and do yoga on the beach go for walks whilst he was surfing. How I wished I had given surfing a go, but it just never happened. I hear you when you talk about the distance we have with others and then the joy when we do connect with some strangers. so much love to you, you have been such a huge support to me and really helped me out more than you know. So thank you my lady for your wonderfulness, I love you and I look forward to this next year with you in my life xxx

A Merry Christmas @Riverflows. Thanks you so much for being so awesome and original. Wish a fruitful year ahead. More beaches and sun(sets). ;)

Girl....I wish you everything for this christmas and upcoming year

damn those waves look envious!

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