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RE: Bored Games

in #steempress5 years ago

Thanks for these awesome suggestions for our contest this month! We've given you an upvote and logged your nominations, ready for the dpoll - keep an eye on our blog for the dpoll post!

Remember to transfer 50% of the post payout as SBD to @phctop3 with a link to your entry in the memo, otherwise it won't be eligible. This is the minimum entry fee, there is no maximum. You can add as much as you like to your initial fee to give you bigger potential rewards.


Another epic entry @fionasfavourites

Lots of great games in your full line up. Haha on the 'evil bunch!' 😁

I do subscribe to your theory on men and women. I think we have to look back to our ancestors to really understand our urges and what makes us tick. You certainly sparked a good conversation between Jayne and myself.

I have never played 30 Seconds, so I cannot comment on that choice. Draughts is a fun game even though I am really bad at it. Jaime loved Peter Rabbit when she was a little one. We didn't have the board game though. We missed out there!

Thank you, as always, for your great effort in your enrty posts and good luck with this month's contest.


PHC Top 3 - Blog Header Image.png


Thanks, Gaz

I do subscribe to your theory on men and women...certainly sparked a good conversation between Jayne and myself.

I hope not to have contributed to a domestic dispute.... That comment/theory certainly seem to have struck a chord!

Look forward to the results!

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