Properties of sulfur for plants

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Greetings to my friends Steemians, this time I bring you the topic on the properties of sulfur for plants. I also leave a recipe on how to prepare a sulfur-based fertilizer.

Plants need the sulfur element for the formation of proteins, enzymes, coenzymes and vitamins, in this way plants can more easily absorb macro-nutrients, including nitrogen and phosphorus; generally the plants extract the sulfur from the soils, which are formed when the organic matter is mineralized. Therefore, sulfur-free plants can not absorb nitrogen and many other nutrients to achieve the normal development of their vegetative cycle.


How do plants acquire sulfur?

Plants absorb sulfur from substrates, such as sulfate (SO4), which reaches this state after an oxidation process ranging from +6 to -2. Plants absorb sulfur by roots and leaves; It can also be acquired through leaf stomata such as sulfur dioxide (SO2).


The role of sulfur in plants

Sulfur is a secondary macro-nutrient, as necessary as nitrogen, phosphorus and other macro and micronutrients. Sulfur is an important element in the formation of proteins and chlorophyll; For this reason, any deficiency in plants manifests itself with symptoms similar to nitrogen deficiencies.

Symptoms in plants due to sulfur deficiency

Generally the symptoms are similar to nitrogen deficiencies, such as:

  • The leaves of the plants turn yellow, starting from the youngest to the oldest; until you can observe the plant totally chlorotic.

As we have indicated, the symptoms are similar to the lack of nitrogen and other elements such as zinc, for this reason, it is important to perform a soil analysis, and in this way we can accurately determine the problem presented by the plant. There are also cases in which plants are attacked by nematodes that cause plants to be unable to absorb nutrients that present similar symptoms, so it is important to obtain technical assistance to take the necessary measures.

Importance of fertilizing crops with sulfur

With the proper fertilization of sulfur you can achieve the following benefits for plants:
  • The fertilization with sulfur helps to control the diseases in the plants.
  • The application of sulfur by foliar way, helps to combat mites and aphids.
  • Acts as anti-mildew
  • Foliar sprays, serve as insect repellents.
  • The fertilization with sulfur, favors the development and growth of plants.
  • Sulfur stimulates growth hormones in plants.
  • Increase the concentration of crude protein in forages.
  • Sulfur fertilization helps improve the quality of the fruits.
  • Sulfur fertilization is important in bulbous plants, including: onions, garlic, chives.

Other favorable benefits in the plants:
  • Help improve the quality of cereals.
  • With the application of sulfur in oil plants, it is possible to increase the content of oil oils.
  • Helps plants to be resistant to cold.
  • Help plants to be resistant to drought.
  • It favors the decomposition of plant residues and green manure.

Sulfur cycle

Sulfur is an essential element for plants and animals, so that they can perform the different functions for the formation of proteins, which are vital for these living beings to reach their development. But for sulfur to reach living beings, it is necessary to carry out a natural order process. let's see what the natural cycle of sulfur consists of.


The sulfur moves through the biosphere in the following way, on the one hand it is understood the passage from the ground or from the water, if we speak of an aquatic system, to the plants, to the animals and returns to the soil again or the water. Some of the sulfur compounds present in the earth are carried to the sea by rivers. This sulfur is returned to the earth by a mechanism that consists of converting it into gaseous compounds such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). These penetrate the atmosphere and return to dry land. Generally they are washed by the rains, although part of the sulfur dioxide can be directly absorbed by the plants from the atmosphere. Source Read more

Sulfur-based artisan fertilizer

Next I will teach you how to prepare a fertilizer with sulfur. This is an ideal fertilizer to combat mites and fungal diseases, also serves as a nutrient to promote the development of the plant.


  • A pot with capacity for 8 liters.
  • A wooden pallet.
  • Protection gloves.
  • Mask for nose and mouth protection.
  • 100 gr of sulfur powder.
  • 40 gr of lime.
Preparation method:

Before starting, it is necessary to put on gloves and a mask, since we are going to work on a material that is toxic, such as sulfur. For the preparation of this fertilizer, we mix the 100 gr of sulfur with the lime in a pot, and then add 6 liters of water, and put the pot to cook; It is advisable that the preparation is done outside the house or any closed place, it is better to choose a place with free environment and cook this in a stove.

Sulfur is insoluble in water, you can see that it is difficult to mix it with water, for this reason we add lime, which is what will allow the sulfur to dissolve and homogenize. Once we place the pot on the stove, we begin to move it with the wooden palette until it boils, then we reduce the intensity of the flame and keep hitting. The water will take a brown color that will indicate that the preparation is ready; then we let it cool, we strain and pack it into bottles.

Dose for the application of liquid sulfur fertilizer:
Add 100 ml of the sulfur concentrate per 20 liters of water. This fertilizer is compatible with most commercial foliar and fungicidal fertilizers. With the exception of the abamectin insecticide, which is not compatible, therefore avoid binding the sulfur with any product that contains abamectin.

Other contra-indications in its use, is that it is not advisable to use it in too sunny hours, apply the sulfur fertilizer preferably in the afternoon hours.

Thank you for having read my publication and I hope that this topic has been very useful for everyone, and especially for plant lovers.

REFERENCES: Source Source Source Source

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Great post. they say that the people who are most successful are those who are doing what they love.

Thank you @, you are very right, I admire people when they make efforts to achieve their dreams or to achieve what they like, when we do things with love we get good results. Greetings.

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