NuagSM - 賽季終結獎勵獎勵開包! | Unpacking Season Rewards!

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

The season rewards finally arrived! Mentioned in the last post, I reached Diamond II and am eligible to get 13 bonus packs. This is exciting!

I would like to unpack these gems with my SM friends! (pretty much like how people unboxing their new iphone on youtube LOL)

Without further ado, let's start from the very beginning!

終於收到賽季終結獎勵! 在上一篇文章中提到,我達到了Diamond II並且有資格獲得13個獎勵包。 這真讓人興奮!

讓我跟喜歡SM 的朋友一起 unpacking 13 個包吧!廢說不說,讓我們立刻開始吧!

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Umm, this pack looks okay.

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Wow, a medusa! This can help strengthen my water magic team!

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Not bad at all! A rare and epic air elemental!

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Umm, this pack looks okay.

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An epic defender of truth and a rare clay golem!

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Oh! My dude! A gold epic Magi Sphinx! This one worth around $140 USD on the market! Sell or Hold?


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A Light summoner!

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A Death summoner and an undead priest! Make my death team stronger!

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Fire epic serpent of the flame and rare serpentine soldier! I think I almost complete my fire deck!
火焰史詩蛇和稀有蛇紋石戰士! 我想我快集齊火焰隊了!

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Another mage card! A rare enchanted pixie!
法師卡! 一個罕見的迷人小精靈!

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The last pack, it looks less exciting compared to previous packs.

That's a wrap! I am still excited by the gold Magi Sphinx and the amount of epic and rare cards I received! How is your unpacking? Would love to hear from you my friend! Good day!

時間過得真快,已抽完了13包! 金色史詩魔法獅身人面像和為數不少的史詩和罕見卡的出現都令我十分高興! 不知道你又抽中了什麼好卡呢!? 留言分享吧!

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


GOLD Magi Sphinx!!!! 賺大錢啦!!!



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haha 走運了!你呢?

我无甘好运,开咗16包,只得两张普通金卡 XD

我記得你好似本身有好多張金卡 👍

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