Caspian: future is here, manage all your exchanges with one single platform

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)



When a person face a problem, the normal procedure is to study it and look out for a solution, sometimes the problem is so complicated or big that just one person can’t see or develop a proper and effective solution.


Something similar but in a much bigger way is what’s happening with the crypto market, the blockchain technology and the exchange options that coexists today. These type of market has variety of problems such as unreliable trade execution. Technical failures that affect the normal activities of users. Also, is common to see an organization moving forward in the adoption of the crypto market but in need of purchases that goes easily from fiat money to digital assets and the other way around.


Also it’s important to draw attention to the fact of the difficulty of having a rebalanced portfolio, due to the big fragmentation of the exchanges and the increasing number of them, it consume a lot of time and energy to try to have this information with a data instantly updated, to not say it’s impossible.


Lack of security, is another of this problems to be faced by an ideal solution, risk management is very important in every move specially if there’s money involve, like it’s indeed in crypto decisions, the opportunity and advice to make the probability of the risk goes to its minimum expression is gold to every investor.


Lack of reporting and compliance, the fact that having big amounts of information available has two faces, on one hand the information is right there and on the other, the volume of the information is so big that it’s almost equal to have nothing, that’s what is happening with the information of multiple exchanges, investors have to look for the updated information in each platform simultaneously, again, a great investment of time and energy.




Caspian, the solution.


As a viable solution to all the previous problems mentioned, a group of teamed up together to create this solution: Caspian. A joint venture conformed by two companies Tora and Kenetic.


Tora , is a 14 years old company, a worldwide provider with great expertise in financial technology, which includes knowledge about risk management system, portfolio management system, execution management system, compliance, analytics, in one word, they offers all the package a person need to proceed to make business in the crypto era offering all the power and benefits that electronics have.


Kenetic is a venture capital firm that aims to the growing process of the blockchain, as a part of this goal Kenetic offers all the knowledge to advise companies or project in order to help them to adopt the blockchain technology, how to tokenize, also qualitative and quantitative analysis to have a better interpretation of the crypto market.


Both of them are conformed by a great group of person with many years of expertise, brought together to give us all the solutions to our crypto problems.


Caspian is the first crypto manage platform, it can be considered as the next level of the crypto market, blockchain tech and business together. It consist in a platform to connect and allow to perform operations in several exchanges simultaneously without a problem. Giving the liberty and tools to get the best advantage of real updated information, among other benefits.



Caspian was created to link up to the already created exchanges in order to support the mechanism of buying and selling in crypto markets in a safe way to the biggest quantity of investors as possible, even offering the possibility of programing to make some operations in certain conditions. Making possible to any person or company to see, read and study the market in order to take the best decision about an operation in the crypto market.


I see Caspian platform as the best student in a class, he has all the knowledge, knows all, organize all and offers the summary of all of it to his friends, Caspian puts all the information available at the reach of the hand, and he also send an alert when the exam is coming (similarly to the Caspian’s alerts you’ll see )


Besides, another Caspian goal is the institutionalization of the crypto market with all the benefits of it. Among these benefits, there’s great stability. Caspian facilitate the adoption process of a project, if a project has mass adoption it’s a sign that the project will have a good grow process. Institutionalization of the crypto market will catapulted the use and knowledge of this type of market, especially for those companies that aren’t sure yet in adopting this new type of market.



Key features and benefits.


Caspian solve the lack of reporting and compliance, due to its innovative platform that offers prices and all the needed information about the crypto assets that any investor could ask in one platform. All the benefits that it generates could be classified in three categories:

  1. Execution
  2. Position management
  3. Compliance.
  • Execution.
OEMS, Caspian offers this tool, based on Tora technology, to be used by traders as their main portfolio and to allow investors to satisfy their needs in the crypto market in every aspect. It has many benefits, as the following list shows:



Besides, the Caspian Team has planned to put at disposition the Transaction Cost Analysis or TCA, in order to detect what orders are better to fill taking in consideration their options to be carried out.



Moreover, Caspian already has an excellent algorithm to immediately identified and sort by importance the orders taking into consideration different aspects of the exchange, such as price, liquidity and commission. This algorithm is called Smart Order Router or SOR by its capitals letters, and the idea is that the investor look at Caspian as a big pool with all the exchanges as one whole thing and this algorithm is going to help to take advantage of all the best opportunities.


Execution manage system and its algorithm are the key to magnify the opportunities Caspian provides to each order, combine the algorithms with the SOR is an excellent tool to any investor, also Caspian offers the pertinence to create an own algorithm with certain indications to be complied once those conditions are fulfilled.



Furthermore, there is an alert system that can be program to provide the adequate information in some situations of interest, such as some level in a value of an exchange, each user can select the parameters to active the alerts, this is particularly interesting specially to those persons that are interested in crypto market but they’re in their beginning, these kind of alerts could help them to maintain attention and applied an action once the conditions are accomplished. Also these alert system is a great tool to persons with interest in crypto market but have a work in a different field, for example:


Ang is a girl who has interest in crypto market, she made an initial inversion and wanted to make a better deal with an specifics conditions, that she knew the market will reach soon. But, she has a full time job, where she carried out a diverse actions, she was tracking the behavior of the market and with big eyes and expectation see how the conditions were reaching her goals to make a deal, but, suddenly, she got distracted with a partner by two minutes and when she sit again in her desk….. the conditions were gone. She lost the chance to make a deal with those special conditions and decide to make a stop in the crypto market until the day she could dedicate full time to it.


If Ang had had Caspian and its system alert available, none of these would happened. She would receive an Alert and made her see the perfect conditions and would made a very profitable deal, she wouldn’t lost that big interest in crypto market and even she would dedicate earlier to crypto market, her real passion.


That, is a real life example, in fact she is the first person I talked about these project hoping to help her and her decision to make a path in the crypto market.

  • Position Management

Caspian offers the opportunity to keep track over and record positions and historical data, thanks to its PMS and RMS, it allow to any user to appreciate the movements of the crypto market in actual time or past time, also Caspian offers a rebalancing option as a part of its roadmap, available soon to improve funds management.


Besides, the allocation engine of this project is in charge to make all the allocation of the benefits derived from operations, so users can only focus in perform the best operation.


  • Compliance and Reporting.
Caspian is a platform with multiple practical applications, having a compliance engine is primary to full functionality of the platform, this allow to implement actions before and after the trade operation takes place. In Pre – trades limits, any user can program certain limits to prevent an automated operation from being carried out, to do this Caspian created three levels of limits. The first one, Warnings Limits, any user can invalidate this limit. The second one, Approval Limits, only a supervisor can give the OK to send the exchange to its execution. And the third one, the Absolute Limits, nobody can invalidate this kind of limits. This three types of limits are set as a secure net to users, and with the intention to help and provide the best chances in exchanges operations.


Moreover, Caspian offer the Reporting Engine, one of its best strength due to the property of compile important information in one place, the idea is to allow users to design their reports as they wanted to, with graphics, editable tables and received them as a PDF file or a power point file or even excel, users will receive the information in their preferred type of file. All the information required to feed this reports will be acquire by Caspian from the exchange’s protocols and APIs.


Finally, Caspian Dashboards online, with the integration of the Tora’s Reporting engine, Caspian will be able to foresee exchanges behavior thanks to the data from web in order to generate information such as margin reports, exposure breakdown graphs among others.




All the system that conform Caspian were thought to give the best condition in their area. Performance, scalability, reliability, security and support are studied areas to offer unbeatable conditions, for example, Caspian’s performance was created to manage 2.500 orders per second. There’s no chance to failure service due to the forethought of any disruption besides a great number of safety nets to avoid any malfunction in the platform. Also there’s a cloud back up option always available. Everything thought to offer a fail-safe mode platform.


But, in something connected to the internet, there’s always a chance to be harm, because of that the security features are very special, some of this features are: a limited number of Ip’s to have granted access to the platform, strong passwords, encrypted connections, to name a few.


On a platform of this magnitude, support is always needed, Caspian offers a multilingual support team with their Service Level Agreement, with large expertise in these kind of problems, thanks to the knowledge in the field of Tora and Kenetics that share all of it to qualify Caspian support team to solve all kind of problem in a minute.


Also, in a project like this, with a lot of interest involved every day, to be auditable is imperative, Caspian is prepared for that, providing a perfect tail to be easily auditable anytime.





It’s the whole universe of values presented as a token, the curious thing with Caspian token is that , unlikely as other token we’ve known, here isn’t indispensable to have a token to be able to use the platform.


Caspian token, called CSP, is an ERC-20 Ethereum based token, and its principal reason to exist is to help in the creation of an ecosystem where users have a real engaged feeling with the platform and its benefits and applications. That’s the reason why people will see users with no token at all in their possession, but using the platform as any other.


Those token holder users, will experience the same platform but with some benefits, such as, lower fees, additional discount that can reach 25% and a dynamic discount, also there’s a chance to receive free apps for those token stakers.


Caspian offers a different way to approach an efficient use and application of a token in crypto era, CSP is not a token to pay for a service is a token to contribute to a project with multiples implications in many fields such as development of apps, to facilitate understanding of the crypto market, to maximize opportunities in the same market, to name a few.




As life evolve and aims to perfection, so does humans creations, every day somebody somewhere is thinking how to improve something. Clothes, manufacturing process and technology are authentic representations of this. They exist and evolve day by day to become better, bigger, faster.


Economy, also suffer of it, crypto markets are being born and growing all around the world and we need better applications to exploit all the opportunities it gives.


Caspian is living and representing the inflection point in economy, giving the best tool to face this change and beat it in the best way. It’s a cloud – based platform with multiple services in order to give the maximum level of information, security and applicability in one place.



If you need more information about Caspian, please review the following links:

To general information you can check their Website

To know the project specifications, you can go to their Whitepaper

Join their Linkedin

Also, you can join their Twitter, Telegram

And review others link like Blog , Youtube , Caspian Events, CaspianNews


All images are from the whitepaper unless indicated.


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