【N&N's Castle】The Fragrant Flowers in Summer 夏日香花

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)


In my hometown, Spring is the season of flowers, while the Summer means green. In my childhood memories, the Summer in this city often associated with mom's ice green bean soup , ice cream cart and the orange-flavored pop at corner stores. What's more, there are some sellers who sell flowers in aluminum lunch boxes along the road.

Most of the flowers they sell are Jasmine and Michelia. They will pick the most tender flowers in 5-6 o 'clock every morning, putting them in the small box and covering them with gauze, which has the proper humidity to keep the flowers fresh. They will sell the flowers in crowded downtown or scenic spots, or shuttle along the road between the speeding vehicles.

At the end of July last year, I suddenly smelled a familiar smell when I was hanging out with my boyfriend on Nanjing West Road in Shanghai. I found an old woman standing by the road selling the flowers. Michelia is still the same as I remembered. The old woman wore a steel wire in a loop that the Michelia could be hung on a button. What attracted me the most was that she made a necklace out of jasmine with Gomphrena. Red combines with white, which is absolutely impressive.

After a while, I was attracted by the fresh orange juice at the entrance of the subway station. As I sipped my orange juice, my boyfriend walked over and put a ring on my finger, a jasmine ring. That's the most romantic present I've ever recieved.

These are other summer fragrant flowers in my heart, like Hedychium (Ginger Flower) and Gardenia. People get familiar with Gardenia, while they are relatively strange to Hedychium. On this trip to Taiwan, my friend told me that the Yangming Mountains are covered with ginger flowers. If I have a chance, I will go there to see them specially.

Well, what's the summer fragrant flower belongs to you?

Chinese Version







Background Information

This is a column jointly produced by @nanosesame and @nostalgic1212. In this column, sesame provides the pictures and nostalgic1212 writes the articles based on the paintings . The name「 N&N's Castle 」is due to the fact that our ID starts with the letter "N". What's more, both of us have a little girl in our heart forever❤️

@nanosesame Very talented artist from Hong Kong. Her paintings are highly recognisable, both in subject and color combination. Her profile page also has a wealth of fantastic photography.

@nostalgic1212 Amateur film critic from Hangzhou. Being a Libra girl, she has her own unique aesthetic taste and has a wide range of hobbies. The profile page mostly shares film reviews, food and travelogue.



@nanosesame 非常有才华的画手,来自香港。她的画无论从选题还是配色上来看,辨识度都非常高。坚持日更的她,个人主页上还有丰富的摄影作品📹

@nostalgic1212 业余影评人,来自杭州。天秤座的她有自己独到的审美,爱好广泛。个人主页大多分享影评、美食和游记🎬

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://nostalgic1212.org/index.php/2018/08/15/the-fragrant-flowers-in-summer/


El venció la muerte y vive para siempre.

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N and N 這發音xDDD


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