The value of education. What happens in Africa?

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)
At this moment, 250 million children have no right to education, this shows the great amount of global irresponsibility with regard to this social crisis that we are suffering. Education in Africa suffers a significant dependence due to a social paradigm that has not been frozen in time but has found a new face that we call globalization. Education can make the difference between a life of oppressive poverty and the possibility of a full and secure life.


Where does God cry? The role of the church in education in Africa.

In Africa, where animist religion develops, the Catholic Church has entered with great strength, especially in countries like Senegal. The Piarists maintain a stable and permanent presence in Senegal since 1963, seeking to provide quality education for Senegalese children. For this, they have four primary schools, three secondary schools, two farms-schools and a technical center, which in total serve more than 2,000 girls and boys. Children have to go to school, and to say that there is no money, does not mean that children can not adopt for a free education, the work of Calasanz the pioneer of this school and this idea, man who work with the rich to give to the poor, begging to help children have a commitment to education. Since education is not something accidental but fundamental.

Integrate faith and culture, in Africa where culture is so different, challenges are challenges from all over the world, such as the Philippines, Asia, India, the idea is to integrate children in intellectual education and faith, that is: a comprehensive education. Framing the values ​​of faith very much.


He named his educational institutes "Pious Schools" and the parents who accompanied Father Calasanz were called Escolapios. After a couple of years there were already "Escuelas Pías" in many places in Italy and in many countries.

Its purpose: "to form good citizens and instruct in religion". He was then forty years old and lacked preparation, but God inspired him, turning out to be a great pedagogue.

As for receiving poor students, you work saintly admitting to all who come. Because our institute was founded for them. And what is done for them is done by Christ. Not much is said about the rich.

In Africa, vocational training is very expensive, but primary and secondary education, which is the first thing of being human, knowing how to count, calculate and write was important for Calasanz, because with these means the being formed could earn a decent living.


Now holding these schools in Africa is subsidized by the congregations above all else, those of the first world, however they have been trying to get the parents to pay something, because it gives them the gift of responsibility because they get or conceive that what is free is not important , because in this way responsibility understand that this entails a great contribution for them as human beings. When we talk about education in Africa, we do not talk about investment because many parents have obtained money without degrees of instruction. Especially those who have never been to school, who have money but do not put it into education.

Interestingly, one of the most powerful economic countries in sub-Saharan Africa and aspiring to be a leader in the region, Nigeria, has the largest number of children out of school: about 10 million. The percentage of children who do not go to school has dropped by only 1.3% in the last decade, according to UNICEF.
In the world there are three countries that have more than one million girls without access to education, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Nigeria.


The Schools for Africa campaign, promoted by UNICEF and the Nelson Mandela Foundation, aims to provide the necessary means for education in Africa to be based in solid schools. Education is a universal right in which we must fight hard to spread.

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