The history of existentialist philosophy.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)
Of all the great philosophies one of the most important and influential in society was existentialism, it has represented much importance in Western culture, I represent culture, even today is seen by great scholars as one of the most important and many people counted by millions, follow their channel as a way of life. Existentialism is a philosophical current that pursues the knowledge of reality through the immediate experience of one's own existence. Let's talk a little about her and her story.


Kierkegaard is considered by many to be the first existentialist philosopher in the history of philosophy. Well, it went against traditional philosophy and manifested a new period of thought since the philosophy that was presented said that the highest ethical good is the same for all, Kierkegaard affirmed that the highest good for the individual is to find his own vocation .

This represents a new period of thought, after being known this thought as existentialism Kierkegaard influenced much in the thinking of many great later philosophers, the two great ideas of thought were the idealism of Hegelian origin and positivist mechanicism had maintained the common criterion that considers the human subject as a passive being, lacking complete essence and personality.

But something very primordial happens so that the existentialism advanced, because due to the terrible world wars another thought postulated.

It is a critical postulate within contemporary philosophy, when we speak of existentialism we speak of crisis above all, existentialists see man alone in the world, consider that man is helpless in the world, without God is to say; It is in front of nothing. This is a current that part of the decadent is the midwife of existentialism since it was a literary movement that begins at the end of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century among them writers like Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allan Poe, when the decadence becomes existentialism begins to disappear.

The existentialist is a man who wonders about his own existence and not satisfied with this anguish, since he lives submerged in a crisis from within, because he is a man in crisis from this point too many theories and postulates. They have a disenchanted look on the world. Man is helpless in the world is summarized in this way.

The world is constructed from the action of singularity, man is, if he acts. He discovers himself in the social, that is, in the social in the collective. The social is the condition of existence. The most active representatives in the 20th century are:

  • Martin Heidegger.

  • Jean Paul Sartre.

You can also read a lot in the works of Abert Camus for example.

All these thinkers, focus on the main theme in the concrete concern of the individual issues such as anguish, industry, nihilism, authenticity, arise again and again in these works. They respond, as a whole, to the conceptual weight of more than two millennia of western thoughts that the construction of abstract systems with universal validity and concepts such as nature and essence come to characterize not only the world but man himself. In response, existentialist thought emphasizes the individual's being as both concrete and unique.

I am my thought, that's why I can not stop. I exist because I think and I can not stop thinking.

As far as man is concerned, I am not interested in what he is, but what he is capable of becoming.

Existentialism provokes in man questions about his existence, dying without having lived is an idea that really frightens. This genre important socio-cultural changes in the book "irrational man" speaks of the decline of religion and the development of Protestantism, religious belief plays a very important role in politics however the decline of religion shows us that it was a solid ideological matrix from the moment of birth and death of the individual.

It was a cluster of images that structured the thinking of Western man because it represents the cosmovision of an era.

The cultural context has changed so much, because man has found himself alone, this restructures the world, capitalism makes man take his place in the world.

Throughout my life I have realized that all our problems stem from our inability to use clear and concise language.

My love, you are not "one thing in my life", not even the most important thing, because my life no longer belongs to me, because my life is you.

Existentialism was translated visually into pain, into a sense of uneasiness, into a negation of the figurative and of any norm that was not what the artist himself understood as valid.

In summary, existentialism is a way of thinking, whether it be reflecting for your place with the world, there are two types of existentialists, although the works of the atheists are much more known, there is also a mystical existentialism or Christian existentialism (Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Unamuno or Gabriel Marcel) and the agnostic (Camus, Heidegger).

We will continue working on this thought beforehand. Thank you very much for your support to continue working on good information content. Greetings and my regards

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