Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison special in literature.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)
Delivering the greatest prize of letters, she is worthy of the prize with these words:

«Who in novels characterized by visionary force and poetic sense, gives life to an essential aspect of the American reality»

One of the writers to my real understand and know that it is one of the best, for its prose that takes you to the imagination and how it moves you to that magical world in an entertaining way and full of great enthusiasm. His novels are wonderful, I have not been able to read all his literary work but with what I have read now, it has seemed wonderful to me. Let's talk about the African-American writer who was professor of philosophy and letters at the universities of Yale, Howard, Texas and the State University of New York.


Toni Morrison, the first American person of African descent to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, after winning, continues writing with the same political charge.

His book Beloved, tells the story of a slave of the twentieth century who manages to escape from their owners. It shows us its maternal history, the book exposes us the slavery of the XIX century is a clear exposition of torture and pain, managing to dehumanize the black slaves, and the mechanisms at that time were in force and even now. The book makes us reflect, about our current development regarding the mistreatment.

The protagonist of the novel kills one of her daughters, but for the love of not condemning her daughters for what happened, the novel gives us all the tools to understand why certain things happen. The New York Times praises the writer with words like this:

Its greatest relevance is that it uses the prism of the African-American experience to ask ourselves sometimes painful questions about ourselves. For his part, a black student said: When we read it, we are it.


Perhaps because of her character as a thinker, and her African-American roots, the writer decided to touch on these issues that are still sensitive today, because it shows the dark side of us human beings, shows and questions existence, that is; to be born in a society where your life does not depend on you, depends on others, and that your life is at the service of them. Where you can not live outside of that regime is always oppressed and trying to fight for the freedom you've never had. There is a density of trying to understand everything that is happening, especially the decisions that are exposed when one is lost to freedom to know that you do not have a place where you are not calm. The book, despite being quite sad, is an excellent novel because it helps us think. To discern the world that surrounds us and leads us to a story that we hope will not be repeated to that extent.

The fire of hell does not need anyone to light it and it is already burning you inside ...
"Sula" (1973)

But to discover the truth about how dreams die one should not trust the words of the dreamer.
"Blue eyes" (1970)

It takes us by the hand by the exacerbated pain and the tangible reality that everything, eventually, is lost.

In his works, Morrison talks about the lives of people of color, especially women. She is a combatant in favor of civil rights and committed to the fight against racial discrimination.

Although it seems incredible to its almost 4 decades of existence is when he publishes his first novel "Blue eyes" tells the story of a black girl, Pecola, who wants to have the eyes of the color of the dolls of white girls.

His themes are innovative, direct and sincere, although it seems unrealistic cases are direct scars that are still open in the social conscience.

The critics did not pay much attention to this first novel as it did with the second, Sula, appeared in 1973.
However, with The Song of Solomon, published in 1977, he won the National Books Critic Award, the official critics' award, and was devoted to the success of the public, making the success of Morrison one of the most important contemporary authors of the United States. United.

  • There comes a time in life when the beauty of the world is enough by itself. ...

  • If happiness is a mixture of expectation and certainty, we were happy.

She was a pioneer in her genre, apart from winning the Nobel Prize with an extremely brilliant literary although she started writing very late. This shows that it's never too late to start over. I invite you to read and admire and marvel at his work, because it is a wealth in world literature, his novels invite us to think.
Remember: education is a right to spread it is a duty.

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