What is the ideal pet for your child's education? Tips to make the best decision.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of @steemiteducation, today I wanted to address a topic that I had to face recently because as I know I have two small children and recently decided as a family adopt a pet and believe it or not there are many factors that must be taken into account to make this decision, so today I bring some advice to decide which pet is the most ideal for the education of their children and which is more suited to their personality and of course to their availability.

Animals bring joy to our home and enchant children. Having the company of an animal at home brings multiple benefits to the children of the house, since they have to be sensitive and responsible with their care and also an important emotional connection is established.
When we look for a domestic animal we should think about choosing the one that best suits the personality of your child, their tastes and take into account the care that comes with it and the available time your child has.


Which domestic animal is most suitable for the education of our child?

  When we consider which domestic animal is most suitable for the education of our child and we want to have it in our home, it is advisable to consider a series of points that can help you make an appropriate choice:
  • The availability of your children. It is important that you inform yourself of the care that each animal requires and the amount of time available for your children at home in order to care for and care for them. Usually a cat, a turtle, a hamster or a parakeet require less dedication than a dog.
  • The personality of your children. You can decide on the animal that best fits the children's way of being and the family's lifestyle. More active children who are very sociable tend to enjoy dogs more, while calmer children or more independent families tend to fit better with cat habits.

  • The age of children. For example, we must bear in mind that a one-year-old child enjoys watching the movement of a fish in a fish tank, but has not yet grown enough to take responsibility for cleaning the aquarium. A boy with 4 years can already take care of a guinea pig or a hamster but it is still small to take a dog for a walk. In general terms it is not advised to have animals that the child is unable to control.
  • The space at home. It is a point that you must bear in mind, since animals need a place to live that resembles their natural habitat. It is essential that the house is prepared to receive the animal and that it has enough space.

  • Assess the child's needs. Each animal has its peculiarities and, therefore, can better satisfy certain types of needs. For example, dogs can provide security, while a fish or a bird is ideal to relax children.
  • Find the professional opinion. There are aspects that you should not overlook as possible allergies or diseases that have any of the members in the home. Before hosting an animal at home, you have to look for previous information about the animal you would like to have and you can always ask the opinion of a veterinarian or people you know who already have pets

After taking into account all the aspects described above, we made the decision as a family to adopt a little bird as a pet, it is called "Sunflower! And it is the spoiled one of the house.
The fact that our children have a pet can be very helpful for their education, since it helps them a lot in the development of their personality and helps them create ties of affection, empathy, needs of others, etc.
It is our responsibility to decide which is the most appropriate for the youngest ones and for the family because without a doubt a pet is not a toy and has its needs to cover what it involves responsibility being this other factor that we must teach and develop in the most small and having a pet can help us muco in this.
I hope that these tips that I offered today will be of help and that will help you to make the decision to get the best pet for the youngest of the house as it undoubtedly brings many benefits.
I wait for you in my next post!
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