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RE: Some Reflections about Loneliness and Bad Companies

in #steempress5 years ago

I am a social person and thrive on company but value my time alone and guard it jealously.
The ocean near my home is my go to place where I can sit on a rock far out where the waves crash and steady myself in a busy world.
But it is very different for young people who feel out of it if they are separated from their phones and/or friends for more than an hour.
I would choose the word aloneness rather than loneliness. We only know who we are if we spend time alone.
A valuable piece of writing hlezama, I wish you great success with it.


Thanks for your insightful comment, @justjoy.
I agree that the term aloneness better conveys the possitive aspect of not being in the company of anyone. I was about to use something along the lines of solitariness or isolation but one was too conversome, the other still negative. In spanish soledad is always loaded with negative emotional connotatins, but we do not have a term for being alone without the implication of some depressive drama going on.
Some linguists were right when they argued that we are pretty much conditioned and determined by language.
That's why it is important that we redefine certain terms and associate them with possitive referents. Politicians know this better and have made Machiavellian use of that premise.

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