Job Security: Is It Real? Does It Exist?

in #steempress5 years ago (edited)

Job Security: Is It Real? Does It Exist?

To answer these questions, there is no such thing as job security. But don't dismiss and hate the idea of working in a corporate world. As if it is a bad thing, contagious, and should be avoided.

I realize it after some of the gurus out there destroy the word 'employee'. They make it look bad to the eye of people, indirectly encourage them to leave their job and become an entrepreneur. Why choose one if you can do both. Besides, if everyone becomes an entrepreneur, who will work for them or in their company? Think what you teach and analyze what I say. You contradict what you teach because, in the first place, you hire other people to work for you. Make sense!

My take on this is go out and look for a job. Then, work for them and give your best. Why? Because in return, they will pay you every month. But one thing that you must not do. Never become contented and think that your job is secured. You are not safe at all because at any time they could fire you or do cost-cutting. Just accumulate money to your emergency fund and build up your savings while working for them. In that way, you are always prepared for whatever comes your way or happens along the way.

Again, job security is a thing of the past. In today's generation, there's no such thing as job security. So be wary and make your saving a priority.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress :

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