Where to GET Vitamin A | Top 10 Vitamin A Rich Food Sources

in #steempress6 years ago

What foods contain vitamin A?

Vitamin A has antioxidant properties. It is often associated with healthy eyes. In fact, a vitamin A rich diet can prevent night blindness, eye inflammation, and dry eyes.

Not just that, vitamin A is responsible for strengthening our immune system. It also promotes cell growth and effective for repairing skin and mucous membranes.

In this article we will see why is vitamin a important for us? We will understand how much Vitamin A is required each day? and then we shall take a look at the list of top 10 vitamin A rich foods.

Why is vitamin A important?

The Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, which dissolves only in fats or other organic solvents. Therefore, to be absorbed, the presence of lipids, bile or pancreatic juice is needed. This vitamin has several positive effects on the body at different levels. Some of them are:

  • Maintenance of eye health;
  • Reinforcement of the immune system;
  • Prevention of cell aging due to its antioxidant properties
  • Preservation of skin health;
  • Prevention of respiratory diseases;
  • Development of bones, teeth and hair;
  • Supports embryonic development.

What is the recommended daily Intake of Vitamin A?

The recommended daily intake of vitamin A is 900 microgram (mcg) for men, 700 mcg for women and 300-600 mcg for children and ado/le/cents. For pregnant women, it is approx 1000 mcg from 4th month onward. Whereas for breastfeeding women's the daily intake of vitamin A is approx. 1200 mcg per day.

Top 10 foods That are High in Vitamin A

Pumpkin is a Rich Source of vitamin A:

The pumpkin is another vitamin A rich food. In 100g of pumpkin, you can get about 1144 micro-grams of this vitamin. This food has several benefits and can be consumed almost daily in different forms, such as in soups, vegetable sauteing or in stews.

Spinach is a Great Source of Vitamin A:

Spinach is another plant source of vitamin A, as well as other micro-nutrients. It is very beneficial for our overall health. 100g of spinach can provide about 620 micro-grams of vitamin A, so it is an excellent choice to include in your soups.

Carrot Tops The List of Vitamin A Rich foods:

Contains more than 1,000 micro-grams of vitamin A per 100 grams. It is one of the foods that has been most closely related to this vitamin A due to its beta-carotene content.

Consume Cabbage For Vitamin A:

Cabbage is also a vegetable source consumed quite often in soups, cooked or sautéed with other vegetables. Considering its vitamin A content, you should continue consuming this food. Per 100g of cooked cabbage provide 885 micrograms of this vitamin.

Sweet Potato is a  Richest Plant Source Vitamin A:

The sweet potato is the richest plant sources of vitamin A, and the presence of this vitamin, as well as anthocyanins, responsible for the orange or purple color of the food.

It can be consumed in a number of ways, with about 100g of cooked sweet potato about 4722 micro-grams of vitamin A.

Tomatoes are a Perfect Vitamin A Source:

From a botanical point of view, tomatoes are a fruit, but many people regard tomato as a vegetable. Apart from the classification, the tomatoes should be used for regular consumption because of the variety of vitamins, minerals, and low caloric intake.

Rich Source of Vitamin A

Only a medium-sized tomato provides 20% of the daily recommended vitamin A requirement. In addition, the tomato contains the special vitamin C and lycopene.

Papaya is Also a Source of Vitamin A:

The tropical papaya fruit is rich in many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antioxidants. In particular, papaya is a source of vitamin A, a small papaya provides 29% of the daily recommended Vitamin A. The delicious papaya fruit is often eaten raw and is widely used in fruit salads and smoothies.

Butter it UP for Vitamin A:

Butter is something we all like but it should be consumed in moderation. Given to its saturated fat content, which can lead to some complications to health, especially at the cardiovascular level. However, this food may provide some nutritional micro-nutrients, such as vitamin A.

In 100g of unsalted butter, you can find about 670 micro grams of this vitamin. Of course it is not advisable to consume this quantity of butter; however, its moderate intake may be helpful to achieve the recommended daily intake of vitamin A.

Delicious Mango Is a Great Source of Vitamin A:

Mango is a sweet and juicy fruit that has its place both in main dishes and in our dessert plates. Thanks to the many nutrients and vitamins mangoes provide which makes it a great addition to a healthy and balanced diet.

A cut cup of mango provides about 36% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin A.

Red pepper:

Just a pinch of red pepper turns the meal into something special as well as your health. One tablespoon of this pleasantly spicy seasoning contains an impressive 42% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin A.

Also Read: Top 10 Food Sources of Vitamin C

Watch Video : What Foods Contain Vitamin A? Top 10 Vitamin A Foods for Vegetarians

Other Then This for Vitamin A you can also have:

Cod liver oil:
Many people use cod liver oil as a dietary supplement, either in the form of a capsule or as a liquid form. Cod liver oil is a vitamin and mineral rich source of vitamin A, D and also omega-3 fatty acids. Just one tablespoon of cod liver oil exceeds the recommended daily intake of vitamin A.


Egg is one of the foods which is rich in vitamin A and should not be forgotten given its high consumption by the people and all the benefits it provides to our body. In one egg you can count on about 225 micro-grams of vitamin A.

However, while consuming Vitamin A rich foods avoid eating it in large or low quantity. This can have adverse health effects. If you are planning to take Vitamin A supplements please talk to your doctor first. The good news is most of the foods in your daily diet contains some amount of Vitamin A.

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