Let's Reward Creativity On Steemit Together | Update 20 June

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

At ForTheLoveOfBands we’ve believed in rewarding independent & emerging talent since 2016. With Steemit and other Blockchain based platforms, a whole new level of rewarding was introduced. “Team work makes the dream work” a wise man (@chiefmappster) once told me and it’s oh so true. Thanks to 35 Steemians delegating, 36 who joined our Fanbase and 35 on our curation trail, we’re able to reward creativity like never before! It’s so awesome to see all these delegations coming in, adding up to a total of 3122 SP at the time of writing.

In this post, we’ll explain what we’re doing, how you can join us and get rewarded as well.

In this post

  1. Delegate to @ftlob
  2. What is #ftlob worth
  3. Tiers, delegators and users
  4. Join our fanbase to get upvotes
  5. How to get an upvote and our attention
  6. How you can increase your rewards
  7. Ways to earn $INDIE tokens
  8. Redeem $INDIE (the brand-agnostic reward token of the INDIE Alliance)
The independent music industry is about giving before taking (in our opinion at least). That’s why we’ve changed our rules a bit. You have to a) delegate or b) have joined our fanbase via Steemauto to get an update. That way we can grow our account and help you all even more.

1. Delegate to @ftlob

Use one of the links below to delegate to @ftlob. Continue reading to see how this will benefit not only you, but also all other users of our tag and Steemit community. That’s how we like it 😉 Help others, help yourself!

25 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 250 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP

You'll be redirected to Steemconnect after clicking one of these links. Click continue on the next screen, log in with your Steemit username and master password, owner or active key. Click 'sign in'

Next, confirm that you want to delegate to @ftlob. Alternatively, go to SteemBotTracker and enter your @ username to manage your delegations and add new ones. Please note the amount you enter, is your total new amount.

2. What is #ftlob worth?

The price of STEEM has unfortunately been dropping lately but every week our total SP increases thanks to new and updated delegations. @ftlob's combined SP is currently 3,122.01 SP ( 309.21 + 2,812.80 ). A 100% upvote with 100% VP is currently worth $0,33.

3. Tiers, delegators and users

The #ftlob tag is free to use for everybody, but you have to follow our fanbase via Steemauto. The table below will explain all different tiers and upvote percentages.

* The percentages are subject to change, as more Steemians use ftlob. We'll update you in future posts about this or you can join our Discord for updates.
** If you're somehow placed in the wrong tier, contact us on Discord
*** Maximum of 1 upvote per day per account

Tier F (36)

@helpie @spawnband @jonmagnusson @ipolatjeh1988 @jeffandhisguitar @junkfeathers @ralfdee @cinelonga @nakedverse @pliku @joila @silentzen @moshitunes @everwatching @rhmi90 @rizkydemora @starfinger13 @davenavarro @adam-aj @monetapes @dunnomix @cnisclub @bennettitalia @arbi666 @lastravage @skaarl @trbtc @allbums @fajarmadan @gjart @housechain @ylich @rickycarloe @clubfungus @elainefaye @nostosmus

Tier 1 (1-10 SP)

@styleyfrancky @moeostar @arbi666 @junkfeathers @djdarkstorm @kibul95 @mhmmddarif @rickycarloe @fajar1 @ralfdee @everwatching

Tier 2 (11-25 SP)

@thomasrobertgent @freyman @rizkydemora

Tier 3 (26-50 SP)

@nakedverse @fajarmadan @yaqinnas @allbums @kryptoe @fannylucifery86

Tier 4 (51-100 SP)

@theturtleproject @atomcollector @jeffandhisguitar @samprock @adam-aj @gjart @davenavarro

Tier 5 (101-150 SP)

@jonmagnusson @cinelonga @newenx

Tier 6 (151-250 SP)


Tier 7 (251-500 SP

Tier 8 (501+ SP)


4. Join our fanbase to get upvotes

Join our fanbase via Steemauto.com and make sure to upvote our posts at least 4 times a week!

Set upvote percentage at 100%, you can leave 'time to wait' at default. We won't post more than 2 posts a day, so daily limit doesn't really matter but if you only want to upvote once a day, set it at 1.

It's all about engagement so it's important to reward you for it. Just check our blog daily to make sure you don't miss a post. We'll also have an active curation trail which you can follow so make sure to follow that one as well.

We'll check via MySteemitFriends.online whether you've actually upvoted our posts.

5. How to get an upvote and our attention?

  • Follow @ftlob;
  • Add #ftlob as a tag to your music related posts. We don't upvote non-musical content;
  • Join our fanbase via Steemauto.com;
  • Add a link to our Discord to make sure we don't miss your post. Feel free to invite your friends!

6. How you can increase your rewards

Anyone using the #ftlob tag and following our fanbase will receive a 04% upvote. If you choose to delegate to @ftlob you'll receive even bigger rewards (see table above) + 1 $INDIE token per 1 SP delegated. e.g. 50 SP equals 50 $INDIE distributed monthly.

25 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 250 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP

Make sure to add your Bitshares address to our Discord channel to be able to receive $INDIE. If you haven't already, you'll receive a 5 $INDIE welcome bonus instantaneously :-)

7. Ways to earn $INDIE tokens

  • Firstly, sign up to Bitshares if you haven't already via our referral link to be able to receive $INDIE;
  • Join our Bands About Bands contest with a 15 SBD + 50 $INDIE (guaranteed per entry) prize pool;
  • Join our Discord and earn 5 $INDIE (add address in the '#bitshares-addresses' section);
  • Delegate to @ftlob (as explained in this post) and earn 1 $INDIE per SP delegated distributed monthly.
  • Engage on our posts [we'll tell you in each post how to earn $INDIE];
  • Listen to independent music via AtomCollectorRecords.com @atomcollector;
  • Submit music to Indie Music PLUS @indiemusicplus.
Tag a Steemian not yet using #ftlob, delegating or has already joined our fanbase and get a 10 $INDIE reward. Or invite friends to our Discord server and you'll both get a $5 $INDIE referral / reward (you can invite multiple friends for more rewards).

8. Redeem $INDIE

$INDIE is the brand-agnostic reward token of the INDIE Alliance. Find more info about the $INDIE token on our new website's section $INDIE. You'll also find $INDIE redeem options. You can now pay for banners on our website with $INDIE. More info and instructions on the https://ForTheLoveOfBands.com.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fortheloveofbands.com/2018/06/20/lets-reward-creativity-together-update-20-june/

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