Pearli's Pickles V

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)


This is the fifth in a series of seven about the kittenhood our black feline, Pearli.

Monster Cat and the Tatty Ear

You know the old story that while the cat's away, the mice will play? Well, this is what happened, in a manner of speaking, when the Cat's Mother was on a business trip.

She arrived home for The Husband to say, "Pearli is not very happy..."

No, she wasn't. Muddied and curled into a tight ball (on the bed in the guest room, no less), she wasn't speaking to anyone.


The Husband seemed to think that she had had an altercation with Monster Cat and had come off second best. Monster Cat had been around for months, nay, for about two years, actually, and had been terrorising not just Melon and Pearli, but also other usually fearless felines in our neighbourhood. The Husband had tried to catch him; other Cat's Mothers in the area have also had to take steps to protect said formerly fearsome felines from the vagaries of Monster Cat.

Monster Cat is large and is a Siamese cross - his looks belie his nature: he is very cunning and very bold. He has found his way, through the cat flap and into The Sandbag House, more than once.


One such occasion had some unhappy consequences for both Monster Cat and The Husband, who ended up with a burst blood vessel in his eye, from having rather aggressively chased said cat out of the house - in the wee hours of the morning.

Monster Cat is quick; not to be caught on camera.

So, returning to the day in question, the Cat's Mother cleaned up a very irritated Pearli who, after a long sleep, seemed not too the worse for wear.

Two days later, there was a repeat performance. The screeching and snarling could be heard from somewhere in the empty plot across the road.


Pearli hared home: she arrived covered in mud and, this time, faeces.

No, Pearli was definitely not going to inveigle the Cat's Mother into allowing her to snuggle up in the guest room.

When the Cat's Mother and The Husband cleaned her up - this time with, horror of horrors, water - she moaned and wailed.

"The Cat's Mother is TOOOORTURING me!"

All clean, she recovered her "cattitude" and seemed fine, except for a poorly ear, which didn't seem bad enough to warrant a visit to the vet.


Hmm, yes. Pearli should probably have seen the plastic surgeon. It's healed, but the ear is now rather tatty! Or as some say, it defines who she is.

Next week: The Princess and the rain

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Animation By @zord189


Hi friend, I will give you a up vote and a follow please you also do this on my post

We had a nasty cat like that in our neighbourhood once. My male cat wouldn't stand for it. Sadly he came off second best one Christmas when we had to rush him to the vet as he had a bite on his tail that got infested. Shame. Hope you guys manage to get rid of that monster cat soon. It's not nice for the rest of the cats.

Actually, @jusipasseti, because these posts are "re-cycled" stories, I'm glad to say that Monster Cat seems to have moved on. Although in the next episode you will see that he gave Pearli an even worse hammering. He was one of the reasons we acquired a male which has not turned out entirely satisfactorily because he is a real Jozi Cat and a superwuss! Now we have a little black cat that swans about a bit: I need to be able to get a photo of him because at first glance, he's the pitting image of Pearli until you notice he's got blue eyes and a bit more heavy set. He's known as "Not-Pearli". As I write she had an altercation with him and is being treated for an abcess on her cheek. Mercifully we now have antibiotics in the fridge and a SOP to follow. LOL. She's fine though. These maurauding animals are not good for anyone. Hope your purrycat is hale and hearty!

Some people moved out in our old complex and they left their poor cat behind! He started to attack the wild birds in our garden (obviously for food) but I still cannot understand why someone would dump a family member! Any case an old lady adopted the cat and all worked out well. Maybe you guys must ask the local vet to supply you with a cat trap? Blessings and upvoted!

Ha! Nearly 20 years ago I moved into a terrace house in Rondebosch: I already had 2 cats and didn't want another and this tuxedo cat was in and out all the time. To cut a long story short, I ended up having to adopt him - he was not going anywhere. I subsequently discovered, ironically from the person who got him as a kitten in THAT house, that Sir Gallahad had been abandoned by three previous occupants. Until I came along. We always said he went from the gutter to the butter. Like you, I can't understand how people can do that.

As for the cat trap, this bar steward was far too wily for that. We and a few others all tried to trap him using a trap from the local animal care organisation. Happily, we think, eventually, he has gone the way of most ferals and he's not around anymore.

Also, you I have written a bit about the history of this series in my response to @jusipasetti's comment which will give you some context. Pearli's well, thank you!

the first photo looks like an abstract art!

Wow! That IS a monster cat!

The Husband, who ended up with a burst blood vessel in his eye

No wonder you call her that!

Poor Kitty. Maybe the tattered ear will give her some street cred. :/

Hahaha! This week's episode does gave (bad) photo of him. The Smith Street Strumpet (aka Princess Pearli) has so much cred, it's just not fair! Lol

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