Surgeon's Rules - Written by Dr. Maizo.

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

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Some things that you certainly didn't know or imagine from the operating room today I'm going to tell you:

Surgeon's Rules

  • "A surgery is never complete until the patient returns to his normal life" were the wise words of my master surgeon once we finished completing a difficult task today in the pavilion. And the most exact words for each person that after a surgery comes a difficult task of rehabilitation and a lot of effort.

  • While it is true that all scheduled surgeries are planned in advance (which is why they are scheduled surgeries), there are risks and unforeseen events that always lurk and of which you must be aware as a surgeon. Our ability to react to such circumstances determines the ability and skill to continue our surgical procedure avoiding prolonged surgical times.

  • You will probably think that the later a much better surgery, you could think that it is better for surgeons to do everything calmly. Theoretically speaking, of course; the problem arises when our anesthesiologist friends (those who are in charge of sleeping the patient and waking him or her up) use a specific type of anesthesia and give us a specific time so that the anesthesia does not cause damage to the patient's organs.

  • They say a lot in medical jargon "big incisions: big surgeons" although this is not always the case for us the most important thing is that the patient recovers 100% of the functions, or at least as much as possible. So do not believe that the most important thing is to tell you the points after surgery.

  • The difference between a mechanic and a surgeon when repairing a limb is that apart from the complexity of the limb and the fact that if an organ is damaged there are hardly any spare parts to replace it (with the exception of the donation of some organs) is that when we "repair" a patient unlike a vehicle the first continues to run, because his "motor" (the heart) continues to pump blood to each part of the body without shutting down even a second.


Some information

Many times the concentration is an essential part of the surgery, but whenever you can the good mood is the condiment for the procedure to go successfully, a few jokes or funny anecdotes always relax our hands and take away the worries. In the end, we are also human beings and have the same problems at work as at home.

The amount of exorbitant work burdens us to the point that sometimes after so many hours in one or several operating rooms we do not realize that we do not even eat, we do not hydrate, we do not go to the bathroom, etc ... probably the emotion and desire of the moment do not alter us in surgery, but particularly me, I always leave with extreme hunger after a day of surgery.

Day and night are the same color in the operating room, the lights are always on every time we operate, we don't know if it rains or if it's too sunny, we don't know if it got dark early or there was an eclipse, we don't know what happens in the news or if something important happens in the same hospital. Everything is conspired in that instant so that our eyes, hands and minds are totally centered on the life of another person.


Mrs. Carmen's case

A month ago Mrs. Carmen was sitting one afternoon in her patio, enjoying and talking with her family in that cool afternoon, at that moment from her wicker chair, discolored by the years and molded to her waist (so old and comfortable at the same time) at only one blink she could see how everything was going to change that so routine and dear day.

A motorbike and two people on board braked abruptly in front of the family rejoicing when at the same time one drew a revolver and pointed at Carmen's son asking for the keys to the car. The women were drowning in their own scream while the paralyzed son of Carmen could not respond to such an unexpected threat which made enraged the villain who only by an act of pure evil threatened to shoot the lady, Carlos (Carmen's son) immediately looked in his pockets for the keys but nervousness did not allow him to control himself and after a much more unexpected scream even from the neighbors with spirits to defend them the threat of that inert man was enforced by shooting Carmen in the leg.

That day I met her and while I was watching her X-rays and all the family around me was looking at me waiting for my verdict: I was sincere in explaining to them the type of fracture complexity, but I ended up delimiting... "We will operate on her as soon as possible and after that her recovery will be excellent."

A week had passed since that speech and I found myself in front of an anesthetized patient. I remember looking at her and wondering if she was dreaming and that she was dreaming, I only know that after that laborious and successful surgery Carmen woke up crying, because she now had the happiness of returning home with a speedy recovery. Her grandchildren were so happy that I thought I heard them ask... And when will you make that soup that I like so much? while she only laughed from her heart.


If you need recommendations or help in orthopedic surgery and traumatology do not hesitate to contact me.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon

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