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RE: Jacob

in #steempress6 years ago

You ma me think of my grandma when you said that grandma was tying up the family together. I feel it's the same in my family. My grandma is luckily still alive but I think we are gathering only because she is still here. I don't even want to know what will happen..

Poor little boy. It must be horrible not be able to tell the truth to your parents because you are afraid of their reaction. Did a real story inspire you to write about Jacob? It's sad to see in the real life that there are many parents like his. Children don't feel comfortable to talk to their own parents. This is very sad as there are not many people who will be as close to you as your parents.

I don't even want to know what his mom will tell him when she will see that his t-shirt is torn.. poor fellow..

I love the 'Byn there done that' :) This is a cool idea representing your username :)

Thank you for sharing the story and good luck with NaNoWriMo :)


I have too much history/knowledge of my extended family's history with abuse and bullying, so let's just say that although this story is fiction, a lot of the life experiences I've had tend to bleed into my writing.

Thank you for the wonderful comment!

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