TEACHER ROOM: Project Based Learning #3

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)

The curricular project for each educational stage that is taught in a center constitutes the basic document in which the pedagogical-didactic decisions that affect all the areas and all the courses or cycles of that stage are collected.

Therefore, it becomes the center of educational and instructive development of the center, because, on the one hand, it must respond to the agreements established in the Educational Project and, on the other hand, be respected in the area programs that elaborate, then all the teachers in the center.

What decisions should be reflected in a Curriculum Project?

Those that affect and can be applied in a general way to all the areas or subjects and to any didactic performance of the teaching staff in relation to the teaching-learning processes.

The curriculum is defined as the set of objectives, contents, pedagogical methods and evaluation criteria that should regulate the teaching practice. When referring now to the Curricular Project, this definition is limited to the educational stage to which it refers, and not to the general curriculum of a center, where several Curricular Projects can coexist if there are several stages or levels

Curricular Project Stagedetails, based on current regulations, the elements that should be considered in the preparation of the Curricular Project of all educational stages prior to the University. To determine the degree to which decisions must be made in each of the main elements, they are detailed below:


The objectives, purposes or expectations of achievement </ strong> constitute the objectives that must be achieved through the development and application of the Curricular Project </ strong> as a whole. its correct formulation is decisive because it will condition the selection of contents and the way of putting into practice the rest of the curricular elements.


If the general objectives are to obtain a participatory student, the methodology developed later should favor activities that favor the participation of the students. Otherwise, that goal will not reach.

The determination of objectives affects, in the first place, the general ones of the stage, which will be adapted to what is established in the Educational Project and will be formulated according to the characteristics of the environment and the quality of the students .

It is necessary to take into account those proposed legally, since none can be eliminated; Therefore, it is possible to reformulate them by nuancing them, amplifying them, adding a specific one, but never making the established regulation disappear as mandatory.

From this first education, the general objectives for each cycle or course will be sequenced, so that they have close referents to decide the promotion or not of the students, according to the general capacities reached.


Up to this point we would have what should appear in the Curricular Project, since these general objectives must be reached, in the stage to which it refers, through the general objectives of each area, which are sequential for each cycle or course and they are specified in the didactic objectives of the units that make up the area, they will allow the certainty (once evaluated in the learning process of the students) that the first ones have been achieved.

Why this approach?

Because the general objectives of the stage, given its breadth and generalized, are impossible to evaluate directly. Therefore, what the teacher will evaluate will be the achievement, by the students, of the objectives proposed in each teaching unit. The formulation and sequences of the general objectives of each area are specific to the Area Programming, rather than the Curricular Project, since it is the document that specifies the specific development of the area for the cycles and the course of the stage.


If the vertical sequence of objectives is coherent and does not present gaps, it must be decided that the student who exceeds the set of didactic objectives has achieved the general objectives proposed, both in the areas and in the corresponding stage. It is interesting, to ensure this coherence, to establish a numerical scheme, even relating each objective of the general stage with those of the areas, through which the achievement of the same is guaranteed.


Formulation, according to the environment, the characteristics of the students and the Educational Project, adapting the officially proposed ones.
Secienciación for each cycle or course of the stage.


The contents are the set of questions that, within the different areas or subjects, are taught and learned throughout the educational process and through which the previously proposed objectives must be achieved. The concretion and development of these correspond appropriately with the Area Programming, because that is where they must be specified sequentially and temporalized by cycles or courses.

As they usually appear in the different norms, they are presented in the so-called "Content Block", within which the onceptual, procedural and attitudinal contents are distinguished. This distribution does not imply, at all, that you must program one block after another.


The programming is done by selecting contents of different blocks and types for each teaching unit. It is important to keep in mind that for each objective it is necessary to select the appropriate contents through which to achieve it. If any objective is left without timely content, it will not be achieved. This approach requires having the objectives as a fundamental reference of the curriculum, not the content as is usual in educational systems. The selection of content will be based on the objectives you want to achieve, and not the other way around.

Next post: Strategies and evaluation


Previous publication:

TEACHER ROOM: Project based learning # 1 , 2

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://deisip67.vornix.blog/2018/08/06/teacher-room-project-based-learning-3/


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