
ohhhh not what I expected from the beginning. Great job portraying the serial killer.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! I'm glad I was able to surprise you. I'm afraid I've become predictable.

you have amazing thriller skills. Happy Belated Thanksgiving 😍

Posted using Partiko Android

collection oh no .. not good something is up

The prime specimen in his collection.

Not good at all! :) Thanks for reading!

Wow, that was awesome @byn. You completely had me thinking that it was a tender lover type moment right until the end when I realized this was some type of serial killer with a corpse or something like that. I'm not sure if I am right in my assumption, but it sent a shiver up my spine and that level of reaction is a sign of great writing. Love it :-)

Yay! Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading and leaving such an awesome comment!

Not your usual creepiness. Good prose nonetheless.

You didn't think it was creepy?


I had to read it again. I'd just finished watching a super-creepy episode of Black Mirror last night when I read this. Yeah, it's a little creepy. Especially first thing in the morning.

Good. I was starting to get a little worried about you 😂

Black mirror is often way too creepy for me...

Yeah, and this particular episode was even creepier than normal. It was super-creepy. Loved every minute of it.

Oh dear. I'm not sure I want to hear about your ideas for creepy if this wasn't creepy! :) I was going for a more subtle twist. I must have been a bit too subtle. Thanks for reading!

It was subtle, but I think I missed it because I had just finished watching the Season 4 finale of Black Mirror, which was probably the creepiest one to date. It was over-the-top creepy, so I think it desensitized me momentarily. I'm much better now. :-)

Byyyyyyynnnnnn!! You did it again!! Creepy, creepy, creepy and leading us to it oh so gently 🤪

Thank you! I was going for a bit more subtlety this time. I may have been TOO subtle, apparently! :)

I don't think so. I felt the tension. It was clear enough to me 🤪

Ok, well, that turned on its head in an instant! Awesome short piece here and loved the way it took us in to thinking this was going to be a "happy ever after story" - no spoilers here :)

Thank you! :) I enjoyed flipping the story like that. It was a fun challenge.

Always good to do fun challenges and you definitely succeeded with the flippery 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you! I hope you had a great holiday, too!


ha! what a sicko freakoid! The kind you can't wait to see it when they get what's coming to them! But I guess we ain't seeing that are we? lol. Great job Byn.

such an unpredictable end!
Well done making me take off my guard before you hit me lol

Awwww... thank you! I was really trying! :) Glad you liked it!

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