
I am waiting for the next chapter! The suspense is killing me!

Ooh, Part 2, the plot thickens! Well done!
I'm pretty sure this took you more than 5 minutes, which makes me feel better, but if you say 5 minutes was it, I say you set the timer wrong!
This is awesome: No phone. No money. No way to contact anyone. Panic welled up as she realized how very alone she was. She couldn’t remember getting here, or even why she would be somewhere tropical. Her memory felt hazy, slow to respond, like it was holding her secretes hostage and she didn’t know how to get them released. The thought flitted through her mind that she had been drugged. ‘But even then,’ she asked herself, ‘how did I end up here? Alone?’

To be honest, I didn't set a timer at all. I don't plan to for this story. People tend to get upset when I do that for serial stories and it's already hard enough to draw readers for those. :)

woot!! yay!! Another No-Timer writer!! You make me feel better.
Hard to draw readers into serials...?? Really? I love a cliffhanger - but if I have to wait a day or a week or more for the next installment, my fingernails wear thin.
This is a cool story. I hope you see it through no matter how many upvotes or comments you get.

I'd rest my eyes for a minute too. Often those minutes became hours. Hours became weeks. Weeks became years and so I slept for half of my life.

Enjoy sleep my friends.

Ps. Nice writing!

So the two of them are gone back to sleep with the shock! Is this the hunger games?? It’s getting interesting

Another awesome serial story! I love the way you describe scenes. :)

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Oh, I love where this is going. I had this open for days not. Finally, I can read the rest of your stories 😂

howdy there Byn! ahaha what in the world are you going with this? That poor makes no sense at all, none of it does! lol. She better go get some food instead of sleeping all the time!

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